
Instant Cloud Control for smart devices

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import droplitCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/droplit-cli';


Droplit CLI cross-platform tools for Windows, Mac, and Linux

This tool provides a cross-platform command line interface to test, configure, and manage Droplit automated environments.


Use Droplit.io to power your IoT infrastructure.

  • Connect, monitor, anc control devices via the cloud or via the embedded Droplit Edge server for smart hubs.
  • Create security containers and assign user access to devices.
  • Send instant commands to devices and get real-time change noticiations to your servers and to your applications.

Lets get started!

To install the Droplit CLI

Run: npm install -g droplit-cli

For more documentation, go here.