
An Angular directive to link directives together inside a template so they can be used as components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import drpxId from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drpx-id';



An Angular directive to link directives together inside a template so they can be used as components.

It leverages in John Papa styleguide to expose a directive controller in the current scope so it can be used.

It is the reverse of require: of the directive configuration, it allows parent to reference children.


You can reference your children directives with id decorator:

    <!-- yourComponent.tpl.html -->
    <toggle id="theToggle"></toggle>
    <button ng-click="theToggle.toggle()">Toggle</button>
    <h1 ng-show="theToggle.isOpen()">My Content</h1>

The corresponding toggle directive is:

    /* Toggle.component.js */
        .module('Toggle', [])
        .directive('toggle', ToggleDirective);

    function ToggleDirective() {
        var directive = {
            scope: {},                   // it requires an isolated scope
            controller: ToggleController // it requires a Controller
            controllerAs: 'vm',          // it requires controller as vm
        return directive;

    function ToggleController() {
        var opened = false;

        this.close = function() {
            opened = false;
        this.isOpen = function() {
            return opened;
        this.open = function() {
            opened = true;
        this.toggle = function() {
            opened = !opened;


$ bower install --save drpx-id

add to your module the dependence:

    angular.module('yourModule', ['drpxId']);

include the javascript library in your application:

<script src="bower_components/drpx-id/drpx-id.js"></script>

How to use

Structure your current directive as follows:

  • make them it have a controller (ex: controller: YourController)
  • make controller be published as vm (which is: controllerAs: 'vm')

Note: If you do not publish the controller as vm it will create a vm object in the scope.

Decorate a template element with the id="name" decorator to assign it to your current template directive controller.

Although id is global in html, it only affects parent directive.

assign directive controller

Structure your component directives as follow:

  • make them have an isolated scope (at least scope: {}),
  • make them have always a controller (ex: controller: YourController)
  • make controller be published as vm (which is: controllerAs: 'vm')
  • optional: bind your attributes values to the controller (ex: bindToController: true)

Note: in short time it should be done automatically by https://github.com/angular/angular.js/issues/10007

In your template use the id="name" to publish the children controller (ex: YourController) at the current template directive controller vm.name of the parent.

id at a DOM element

Your DOM element is assigned to vm.name (not jQlite element).

drpxId V2 Breaking changes

Until v1 given id="name" directives controllers where assigned to $scope.$.name, in v2 they are assigned to the current template controller vm.name. It is because I have detected that people gets a wrong concept, confusing with jQuery, when they see the $ sign. Now I believe that assignign it to the current template controller it makes more sense.

Until v1 if the id is assigned to an non-angular directive it did nothing. Now, in v2 they are assigned. It means that it can overwrite template controller properties that were not assigned previously.


Because of compatibility with Angular 1.2 (Angular 1.4 has better interface) it does not enable full performance optimization. You cannot disable scope debug data, see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/production .

Because $parse:isecdom ( https://docs.angularjs.org/error/$parse/isecdom )you cannot use dom element from controllers directly in your template. In such case you may use a controller function to access it. As example, the following code is not working:

    <!-- it does not works because $parse:isecdom security error -->
    <audio id="audio" src="http://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/2926/=AudioTest_(1).ogg">
        Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.
    <button ng-click="vm.audio.play()">Play audio</button>