
Checks the DRY_RUN environment variable

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dryrun from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dryrun';



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Checks if the DRY_RUN environment variable is set to a truthy value. It considers any value truthy other than: unset, "", "0", "false" and "no".


Simply install with npm or yarn:

npm install dryrun
yarn add dryrun

To use it, import the isDryRun or shouldPerform functions:

const { isDryRun, shouldPerform } = require('dryrun');
console.log(isDryRun());       // true if DRY_RUN was set
console.log(shouldPerform());  // opposite of isDryRun()


dryrun comes with two handy functions for testing:

const { resetDryRun, setDryRun } = require('dryrun');

setDryRun(true);  // explicitly activate DRY_RUN
resetDryRun();    // reset DRY_RUN to the environment value