
Simple data storage for cache

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dsCache from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ds-cache';


ds-cache Build Status NPM

Provide a tool that is simple data storage as cache and easy to use.

The feature includes:

  • File size as Cache size.
  • Implement the LRU algorithm.


Generate the document.

$ codo lib/cache.coffee

Or you can go to CoffeeDoc.info watch this doc.


$ npm i ds-cache


  • Cache(option) - Constructor.

    • option.limit_bytes: limit the cache file size. Default: '100K'
    • option.auto_save: enable auto save cache. Default: false
    • option.filename: full name of save file. Default: 'ds_cache.json'
  • set(key, value) - Put data into cache.

    • key: the key of data.
    • val: the value of data.
  • get(key) - Catch data via key.

    • key: the key that you want to catch the data.
  • clear([key]) - Remove the data via key. Clear all data in the cache if you invoke this method without any arguments

    • key: optional. You could remove the data by key, either remove all data without any arguments.
  • save() - Write the cache into the file.

  • load() - Load the cache from file.

  • size() - Return the number of data in the cache.

  • content() - Return the JSON string of cache.


var Cache = require("ds-cache");

// initial the cache instance
var cache = new Cache(
        limit_bytes: '2M',  // limit file size
        auto_save:  true,
        filename: 'ds_cache.json'

// add a data
cache.set('name', 'Donald');

// get value via key

// clear data via key

// clear all data


The MIT License (MIT)