
ds-modal-js - lightweight and easy to use javascript modal dialog

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dsModalJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ds-modal-js';



Coverage Status

ds-modal-js - lightweight and easy to use javascript modal dialog


github.io codepen.io


  • Easy to use
  • Has no dependencies
  • Small size (less than 5kb min+gzip)
  • Closing modal on overlay click
  • Using data attributes

How to use in older browsers

For older browsers please use promise-polyfill

Use without installation

Add this line to head

<link href="https://unpkg.com/ds-modal-js/dist/ds-modal.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Add this line to the bottom of the body

<script src="https://unpkg.com/ds-modal-js/dist/ds-modal.min.js"></script>

Simple working example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=">
  <link href="https://unpkg.com/ds-modal-js/dist/ds-modal.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<button data-ds-modal-open="example-modal">
  Open example modal

<div class="ds-modal__container" data-ds-modal="example-modal">
  <div class="ds-modal__wrapper">
    <div class="ds-modal">
      <div class="ds-modal__close-button" data-ds-modal-close="example-modal"></div>
      <div class="ds-modal__header">Example</div>
      <div class="ds-modal__body">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</div>
      <div class="ds-modal__footer"></div>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/ds-modal-js/dist/ds-modal.min.js"></script>


npm install ds-modal-js -save
import dsModal from 'ds-modal-js';
@import 'ds-modal-js/dist/ds-modal.min.css';

Use in automatic mode

Specify data-ds-modal-open="example-modal" on the button and data-ds-modal="example-modal" on the modal. This is enough to work.


dsModal.open("example-modal");        // open modal data-ds-modal="example-modal"
dsModal.close("example-modal");       // close modal data-ds-modal="example-modal"
dsModal.status();                     // show status
dsModal.config({"logs": false});      // show logs in console (true/false, default false)
dsModal.config({"outClick": true});   // close modal on overlay click (true/false, default true)
dsModal.config({"zIndex": 9999});     // set modal z-index ( from 1 to 99999, default 9999)
dsModal.beforeOpen( () => { some code } );    // use callback before modal open
dsModal.afterOpen( () => { some code } );     // use callback after modal open
dsModal.beforeClose( () => { some code } );   // use callback before modal close
dsModal.afterClose( () => { some code } );    // use callback after modal close


MIT License