
npm i ds-neon-ui lodash-es

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dsNeonUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ds-neon-ui';



npm i ds-neon-ui lodash-es

and please add fonts: "Lato", "Montserrat"

and css) @import "~ds-neon-ui/dist/ds-neon-ui.cjs.development.css";


Box Button Container Grid
children: reactChild children: reactChild children: reactChild children: reactChild
style: object style: object style: object style: object
onClick: () => void onClick: () => void onClick: () => void onClick: () => void
className: string className: string className: string className: string
id: string id: string id: string id: string
variant: "danger", "success", "neon", "blue", "grass" maxWidth: number (max: 100) item: boolean
size: "small", "medium", "large" sm: { sm: number, xs: number }
borderRadius: number (max: 12) direction: "row", "row-reverse", "column", "column-reverse"
justifyContent: "flex-start", "center", "flex-end", "space-between", "space-around","space-evenly"
alignItems: "flex-start", "center", "flex-end", "stretch", "baseline"
xs: 12, 6, 3
spacing: number (max: 10)
smDirection: "row", "row-reverse", "column", "column-reverse"
smJustifyContent: "flex-start", "center", "flex-end", "space-between", "space-around","space-evenly"
smAlignItems: "flex-start", "center", "flex-end", "stretch", "baseline"