
DSBridge for Electron

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dsbridgeElectron from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dsbridge-electron';



DSBridge (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dsbridge) is an awesome library for communication between Native (iOS and Android) and WebView.

If you have a library using DSBridge and would like to reuse it in Electron without additional build process, this package will serve that purpose.


Mostly based on DSBridge-Android API: https://github.com/wendux/DSBridge-Android


  • callHandler(renderer: WebContents, method: string, args: any = {}) => Promise<string>: Call the javascript API. If a handler is given, the javascript handler can respond. the handlerName can contain the namespace. There is no difference between sync and async call from native, namely you should always use await to get return value, namely it will always return a Promise.

  • hasJavascriptMethod(method: string) => boolean: Test whether the handler exist in javascript.

  • addNativeSyncMethod(method: string, func: (argsJson: string) => string | void, allowOverwriteBuiltin: boolean = false): renamed from addJavascriptObject, register one native sync method under the given name. If the same name is used for multiple methods, the later will overwrite the previous. Try not set allowOverwriteBuiltin as true unless you really want to change a particular builtin behavior.

  • addNativeAsyncMethod(method: string, func: (argsJson: string) => Promise<string | void>, allowOverwriteBuiltin: boolean = false): renamed from addJavascriptObject, register one native async method under the given name. If the same name is used for multiple methods, the later will overwrite the previous. Try not set allowOverwriteBuiltin as true unless you really want to change a particular builtin behavior.

  • removeNativeMethod(method: string): renamed from removeJavascriptObject, remove one native method by given name.

Not Implemented

Functions below I think is not applicable in Electron. If you have any use case, please create an issue for that.

  • disableJavascriptDialogBlock

  • setJavascriptCloseWindowListener

  • setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled