Build a Wework js-sdk package, use for econd development of Wework.
npm install --save dsc-wework-js-sdk
yarn add wework-js-sdk
let wx = require("dsc-wxwork-js-sdk");
beta: true,// Must be written like this, otherwise when you use jsapi to call wx.invoke will have some problems.
debug: true, // turn on debug mode, call all return value of api, which will be in alert in client's end. To view the incoming parameters, this cane be opened on a pc, the parameter information will be displayed through a log, only to be printed on a pc.
appId: '', // Required, the corpID of Wework.
timestamp: , // Required, generate a signed timestamp
nonceStr: '', // Required, generate a signed nonceStr
signature: '',// Required, signature. See Appendix 1
jsApiList: [] // Required, required JA interface list, all JS interface list, see Appendix 2