
Dsign is a component library built by [Hayden Young](https://github.com/itshaydendev) to be modern, easy-to-use and highly extensible.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dsign from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dsign';



Dsign is a component library built by Hayden Young to be modern, easy-to-use and highly extensible.

Its main use case is for the Playroles suite of apps, but it's easily adaptable to any project through its Context-powered theming system.

Getting Started

To begin, install the library and styled-jsx. This is an external dependency, so as to keep the bundle size of the library small.

# With Yarn (recommended)
$ yarn add dsign styled-jsx

# With NPM
$ npm install dsign styled-jsx

Then, all you need to do is import and use the Dsign component as a 'shell' around your app.

import Dsign from 'dsign'

export default ({ children }) => (
    { children }

Now you're all set, our CSS should be automatically injected into your app!


The dev environment setup is quite simple!

# rollup -c -w
$ yarn start

# in another terminal...
# start-storybook
$ yarn storybook

This will open the Storybook dev environment and you can start working!


As Dsign is open-source, it's be great to see you contribute to its development!

See a component you think you could improve? Want to add a new one? Want to help keep our bundle size small? Make a fork of the Github repo and submit a PR!

Spotted an issue or want to ask a question? Submit an issue to the Github repo