This is a collection of different data structures and utilities, implemented in JavaScript. Its written and tested using Node.js which is also the target platform.
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Bloom Filter
- Probabilistic data structure to test whether an element is a member of a set.
Sorted Maps
Maps sorted according to natural ordering of keys or by comparator function provided at creation time. Two different backing stores are availableTries
Map optimized for prefix searching on string keysMulti-Valued
Map supporting multiple values for a key- MultiMap
- TreeMultiMap - In addition, Map is sorted on keys. Uses AVLTree as backing store
Linked Deque
- An optionally capacity constrained deque based on linked nodesPriority Queue
- Priority Queue based on a Binary HeapDelay Queue
- Queue of 'Delayed' items, item can only be taken when its delay has expired. For example usage see wiki: DelayQueue-for-Scheduled-Task-Management
LRU Cache with Stats
Google Guava inspired LRU cache. [Reference: Google Guava](]. In-memory LRU cache implementation for Node, inspired by Google Guava Loading Cache . The cache is simpler since it doesn't have to deal with concurrent threads, but other functionality of Guava cache are captured like - Auto loader function - Removal listener - Auto expiry After Write (TTL) - Max Size and weight - Cache Stats recording For usage and overview see wiki:
- An array of bits with operations to set, examine and clear individual bitsCircularBuffer
- A data structure that uses a single, fixed-size buffer as if it were connected end-to-end. When the buffer is filled, new data is written starting at the beginning of the buffer and overwriting the old.Bloom Filter
- Probabilistic data structure to test whether an element is a member of a set.BTree
- Self balancing generalized Search Tree
npm install dsjslib
Current version 0.6.9 is stable and thoroughly tested on Node v0.10