
LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming. DS LiveScript adds eventing operations, making observers first-class objects in the language.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dslivescript from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dslivescript';



is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming.

Check out livescript.net for more information, examples, usage, and a language reference.


Have Node.js installed. sudo npm install -g LiveScript

After, run livescript for more information.

