
Dynamic Stateful Object Notation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dson from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dson';



Dynamic Stateful Object Notation

JSON extension that preserves type information for sharing code between server and client



function ClassName(info) {
    this.info = info

DSON.register('$classname', ClassName)


var ClassName = require('./shared-class');

    reviver: DSON.reviver

app.get('/data', function(req, res){
    res.send({obj: new ClassName({hello: 'world'})})


var ClassName = require('./shared-class');

$.get('/data', function(data) {
    data = DSON.parse(data);
    console.log(data.obj instanceof ClassName) // => true

Pre-registered (can be overwritten)

Array $array — only used if there are non-numerical properties

var arr = ['asdf', {}, 6]

arr.special = true;

var copy = DSON.parse(DSON.stringify(arr));

console.log(arr.special) // => true

RegExp $regex

Date $date

Function $function

DSON.register(id, constructor, [serialize], [construct], [options])

@param	{String} 			id				unique identifier for serialization

@param	{Function} 			constructor		Constructor function

@param	{Function} 	(opt)	serialize		Serializing function 
                                            returns a value that the `construct` 
                                            function will be called with.
                                                function(obj) {
                                                    return obj;
@param	{Function} 	(opt)	construct		Reconstructing function 
                                            returns the reconstructed object
                                                function(Constructor, value) {
                                                    var obj = Object.create(Constructor.prototype);
                                                    Constructor.apply(obj, Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value])
                                                    return obj;
@param	{Object} 	(opt)	options			Hash of options 

        {Boolean}	[false]	noMerge			DSON will not automatically merge the object's
                                            own properties with the return value of the 
                                            `construct` function
        {Boolean}	[false]	collapse		If no own properties other than those returned
                                            by the `serialize` function, the result will be
                                            serialized as a basic JSON value.  e.g.:
                                                function Collapsable(name) {
                                                    this.name = name;
                                                DSON.register('$collapsable', Collapsable, function(obj){
                                                    return [obj.name]
                                                }, {
                                                DSON.stringify(new Collapseable('myName'))
                                                    // => '["name"]' as opposed to '{"$collapsable": ["name"]}'
                                            This option is mostly for internal use — You shouldn't need it.

        {Array}		[null]	exclude			List of properties that will not be serialized.  Differs fom 
                                            `noMerge` in that the properties will not be available during
                                            reconstruction.  If set to `true` all properties will be excluded