
A generator to quickly add FeathersJS to your DoneJS project. Includes Auth!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dssrvFeathers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dssrv-feathers';


donejs-feathers - Full-stack realtime

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Full-stack realtime with DoneJS & Feathers

A generator to quickly add FeathersJS to your DoneJS project.

Using the generator

To add this generator to your DoneJS application run

donejs add feathers

DoneJS and FeathersJS make for a killer full-stack solution for creating apps. This generator will help you get both working together quickly. You can either generate a basic Feathers connection, or you can opt to generate a full site template with an included CSS framework.

Basic Feathers connection

The Basic feathers connection option will use the can-connect-feathers package to generate a connection. You can then use the DoneJS generator to create supermodels to work with it. See the can-connect-feathers documentation to see how easy it is to make a can-connect supermodel work with can-connect-feathers.

After specifying the connection options, you'll have the opportunity to create a few more files that are pre-configured to work with SSR.

Full Site Layout

Choose the Full site layout option to create a basic application with a popular CSS framework. The generated site will be fully functional with JavaScript Web Token-based authentication and Server-Side Rendering fully functional. The site includes a home page with docs, a signup/login page and a pretty-much blank dashboard page as a placeholder for the app.

For the full-site solution, the following CSS frameworks are supported:


To make changes to this generator clone the repository and install the dependencies

git clone git@github.com:feathersjs/donejs-feathers.git
cd donejs-feathers
npm install

Then you can run the tests with

npm test