
date formatter for javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dtFormat from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dt-format';


Date Time Formatter Build Status

A utility class to format Date object in Javascript. It is heavily influenced by SimpleDateFormat class of Java and follow most of its specifications


Install the package using npm as shown below

npm install --save dt-format

You can import the DateTimeFormat class and use it as shown below


const pattern = 'dd/MMM/yyyy';
console.info(DateFormat.format(new Date(), pattern)); // 21/Jul/2018


const pattern = 'dd/MMMM/yyyy';
console.info(DateFormat.format(new Date(), pattern, DateTimeLocale.de_DE)); // 21/Juli/2018

Note: If third argument is not passed then default value for locale is set to en_GB

Available Patterns

Pattern Description
d prints the current date i.e. 12, 21 etc
dd prints the current date and add 0 as suffix if date is less then 10 e.g. 06
MM prints the numeric representation of current month
MMM print the 3 digit string representing current month. E.g. Jun, Dec etc. Note: Only english is supported for now
MMMM print the full string representing a month. E.g. April, March etc. Note: Only english is supported for now
yy print the 2 digit representation of year
yyyy print the 4 digit representation of year
EE print a number representing the current day of week
EEE print a short string representing the current day of week i.e. Mon, Tue etc. Note: Only english is supported for now
EEEE print a string representing the current day of week. E.g. Monday, Tuesday etc. Note: Only english is supported for now
h print the hour in 12 hour format
hh print the hour in 12 hour format and suffix it with 0 if it is less than 10 i.e. 09, 07 etc.
H print the hour in 24 hour format
HH print the hour in 24 hour format and suffix it with 0 if it is less than 10 i.e. 09, 07 etc.
m print the minute value
mm print the minute and suffix it with 0 if value less than 10 i.e. 09, 04 etc.
s print the second value
ss print the second and suffix it with 0 if value less than 10 i.e. 09, 04 etc.
S print the milli second value
SS print the milli second and suffix it with 0 if value less than 10 i.e. 04, 06 etc.
SSS print the milli second and suffix it with 0 if value less than 100 i.e. 094, 067 etc.
a print AM or PM depending on hour

Supported Locales

Below is the table with all the supported locale in this library. You can get all the mentioned values from DateTimeLocale object which can be imported as below

import { DateTimeLocale } from 'dt-format';
Language Code
English en_GB
French fr_FR
German de_DE
Simplified Chinese zh_CN
Russian ru_RU
Arabic ar_SA
Japanese ja_JP