

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dtableUiComponent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dtable-ui-component';




Instructions for using font icons

When using dtable-ui-component component library, you need to import dtable-font font icon.

  1. If the dtable-font font icon has been referenced in the application, dtable-ui-component can be used directly
  2. If the dtable-font font icon is not referenced in the application, you need to import the corresponding font icon when using dtable-ui-component
  import { CollaboratorEditor } from 'dtable-ui-component';
  import 'dtable-ui-component/assets/dtable-font.css';


load demand

If you want to use on-demand loading, add the following content to the .babelrc file of your project

"plugins": [
    ["on-demand-loading", {"library": "dtable-ui-component"}]

Long Text Formatter

If your project only uses a simple long text formatter, you can reference the SimpleLongTextFormatter component.

import { SimpleLongTextFormatter } from 'dtable-ui-component';