
Data Transformation Language

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dtlJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dtl-js';



By Jay Kuri

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What is DTL?

DTL is a simple but powerful language for describing how to manipulate data and a module for processing that language.

What does it do?

DTL allows you to simply and clearly describe how to arrive at your desired data from a given set of input. You can then use these data transformation definitions directly in your applications.

What does DTL look like?

In DTL you create a transform, which is a JSON object that describes how to create the output data you want. You provide DTL with a transform and the input data, and it returns a new set of data based on that input data.

We can start with a simple example:

// A transform is your data template. It defines
// how your output data will look. The 'out'
// represents our output data:
let transform = {
    "out": {
        "full_name": "(: &( $first_name ' ' $last_name ) :)",
        "age": "(: num( strftime('%Y' now()) ) - $birth_year :)",
        "dob": "(: &( $birth_year '-' $birth_month '-' $birth_day) :)",
        "identifier": "(: &( $location.code '_' $id ) :)",
        "group": 172,
        "importer": "automated_data_importer",
        "email_address": "(: $.primary_email :)"

// this is our input data
let person_record = {
    "first_name": "Dominique",
    "last_name": "Wilson",
    "birth_year": 1984,
    "birth_month": 11,
    "birth_day": 22,
    "id": 1821002,
    "location": {
        "code": "CO7",
        "description": "westminster south"
    "primary_email": "dominiquew@example.com"

let result = DTL.apply_transform(person_record, transform);


// The output data will be what you probably expected:
// {
//     full_name: 'Dominique Wilson',
//     age: 36,
//     date_of_birth: "1984-11-22",
//     identifier: 'CO7_1821002',
//     group: 172,
//     importer: 'automated_data_importer',
//     email_address: 'dominiquew@example.com'
// }

Ok... explain?

First, what's with all the (: and :) in the example above? We call them 'happy tags.' They are how you tell DTL that it should look at that string and process it. The information inside the (: :) is called a DTL expression and it tells DTL what to do. Any data not wrapped in happy tags is passed directly to the output unchanged.

As you probably guessed, you can access input data using $ notation, with $. being the entire input data. You can reach subkeys in the input data by using dot notation, or brackets, for example: $first_name, and $.['first_name'] are equivalent. Likewise $location['code'] and $location.code are equivalent.

Once you've defined your transform, you simply provide that transform along with the input data to the DTL.apply_transform() function and it will return the new data.

More details about DTL Expressions can be found here.

How is DTL useful?

In it's simplest form, DTL can be used to define templates for JSON. It can also be used to reliably manipulate huge amounts of data, both in batch processing and in realtime scenarios.

DTL is more than templating, however. DTL allows you to describe how to transform one set of data into another, including whatever calculations you might need.

DTL is useful whenever you need to generate a new piece of data using data you already have.

DTL is great for handling input data from forms or API calls, it's fantastic for converting between data formats, and is tailor-made for transforming your data to and from formats used by the APIs you use.

Also, if you are into that whole ETL thing, DTL is amazing.

Is DTL complicated to use?

No. DTL is extremely easy to use. Its syntax is familiar and we've tried to ensure that it does what you think it will do in any given situation.

Like HTML templates, DTL lets you specify your output data format in a way that is very close to the final output format and is very natural to read.

Since DTL's transform definitions (or transforms for short) can be specifed as simple JSON, the templates themselves can be stored anywhere JSON can be stored.

Is DTL hard to learn?

DTL is easy to learn. While DTL is extremely powerful, it lets you use as little or as much functionality as you want. You can start with simple templates, and as you get more familiar you can take advantage of the more sophisticated helpers.

We've created the dtlr command line tool to make it easy to get familiar with DTL. If you installed DTL from npm, you can run the dtlr command in a shell and try out different DTL expressions. DTL also includes full documentation and this can be accessed within the dtlr command line tool by issuing the .help command. You can specify .help & for example, to receive help on the &() concatenation function.

Is it safe?

Unlike regular code, the output of DTL can only include the information provided to the DTL call, so DTL transforms are much safer to use than the code that would be required to produce the same output. They're also a heck of a lot easier to read... AND since they are self-contained and don't refer to your code, they are safe and easy to share.

DTL can be used within javascript code (node.js and browser, and even inside MongoDB) or it can be used on the command line with the DTL cli tools.

Why is it interesting?

DTL is interesting for several reasons:

  • Clarity - DTL is purpose-built for data transformation and only data transformation. It is not intended to be a general-purpose programming language and is therefore simple to learn and free of unnecessary components.

  • Portable - DTL transforms are self-contained and transferrable between applications. Since they can be stored as JSON, they can even be kept in your database.

  • Security - DTL transforms only have access to the data that was provided as input. DTL transforms have no system access, so they are much safer to use than custom code.

  • Stateless - DTL transforms have no access to previous state, only to the data provided and therefore avoid bugs related to bleed over or inadvertant modification, one of the most common sources of bugs.

  • Provable - It is trivial to create a DTL transform to verify the output of another. This obviously allows for simple test-creation. What may not be obvious is that these verification transforms can be used to check data at run-time.

  • Non-linear - DTL transforms define how to arrive at the desired data. They do not define a sequence of steps. This means that each expression is independent and not subject to bugs due to issues that occurred in other expressions.

  • Stable - DTL has been in use in production since 2013 and has been its own separate project since 2015. It is being used in many production applications, handling many millions of transformations every day.

  • DTL is a language with an implementation. The DTL module is only one implementation of the DTL language. The DTL module contains hundreds of tests that verify the language is behaving properly. This allows DTL to be implemented and verified in any programming language.

Where did DTL come from?

Truth be told, DTL was never intended to be it's own thing. DTL began as an expression language inside a meta-programming engine built by Jay Kuri (me) during my work at Ionzero, a company I founded. One of the first applications of this engine was a system built to handle linking other systems together. I created the language out of the need for a way to define how to map data from one system to another without resorting to hard-coded custom code.

I also realized during the course of this work that DTL could be used for far more than I ever had originally envisioned. As a result of this realization, over time, I refined the DTL language and eventually extracted it into a self-contained module that could be used in any system and proceeded to do so.

I decided to release DTL as open source in the hopes that others would find it as useful and as powerful as I have.

The DTL command line tools

If you have installed the DTL package with npm, you will have two command line tools for working with DTL. The dtl cli tool works on bulk data

If you want to just take DTL for a spin without coding you can use the dtlr tool. The dtlr cli tool is an interactive REPL (Read Execute Print Loop) tool you can use to test out expressions and get help.

The dtl cli tool works on bulk data and is designed to process CSV and JSON, as well as JSONLines data. It can produce CSV, JSON and JSONLines data as well, regardless of whether the input data was the same type. You can learn more about how to use it by using the dtl -h command. Note that by default it sends its output to stdout. If you'd rather have the output go into a file, use the -o filename option.

Feedback and where to get help

We are always looking for constructive feedback. If you have ideas on how we might improve DTL, please reach out. If you are looking for help on how to use DTL, we also want to hear from you.

For help learning DTL, the dtlr tool has help built in by using the .help command. You can also You can visit the docs or look at the DTL Expression Syntax. You can also view all the helper function docs here.

If you want to see examples of DTL, you can take a look at the Test Suite where you can find an example of just about anything DTL can do.

If you want something a bit more real-time, you can talk with us on the DTL discord.

And, if you encounter a bug, please don't hesitate to file an Issue.