DTS plugin for WebPack
Inspired by this blog post.
This is wrapper for dts-bundle plugin to use inside WebPack build. Generates bundle from the .d.ts
declaration files generated by a TypeSript compiler.
npm i dts-bundle-webpack --save-dev
const DtsBundleWebpack = require('dts-bundle-webpack')
// webpack config
plugins: [
new DtsBundleWebpack({options})
dts-bundle plugin:
List of possible options are the same as forExample of all options:
var opts = {
// Required
// name of module like in package.json
// - used to declare module & import/require
name: 'cool-project',
// path to entry-point (generated .d.ts file for main module)
// if you want to load all .d.ts files from a path recursively you can use "path/project/**/*.d.ts"
// ^ *** Experimental, TEST NEEDED, see "All .d.ts files" section
// - either relative or absolute
main: 'build/index.d.ts',
// Optional
// base directory to be used for discovering type declarations (i.e. from this project itself)
// - default: dirname of main
baseDir: 'build',
// path of output file. Is relative from baseDir but you can use absolute paths.
// if starts with "~/" then is relative to current path. See
// ^ *** Experimental, TEST NEEDED
// - default: "<baseDir>/<name>.d.ts"
out: 'dist/cool-project.d.ts',
// include typings outside of the 'baseDir' (i.e. like node.d.ts)
// - default: false
externals: false,
// reference external modules as <reference path="..." /> tags *** Experimental, TEST NEEDED
// - default: false
referenceExternals: false,
// filter to exclude typings, either a RegExp or a callback. match path relative to opts.baseDir
// - RegExp: a match excludes the file
// - function: (file:String, external:Boolean) return true to exclude, false to allow
// - always use forward-slashes (even on Windows)
// - default: *pass*
exclude: /^defs\/$/,
// delete all source typings (i.e. "<baseDir>/**/*.d.ts")
// - default: false
removeSource: false,
// newline to use in output file
newline: os.EOL,
// indentation to use in output file
// - default 4 spaces
indent: ' ',
// prefix for rewriting module names
// - default ''
prefix: '__',
// separator for rewriting module 'path' names
// - default: forward slash (like sub-modules)
separator: '/',
// enable verbose mode, prints detailed info about all references and includes/excludes
// - default: false
verbose: false,
// emit although included files not found. See "Files not found" section.
// *** Experimental, TEST NEEDED
// - default: false
emitOnIncludedFileNotFound: false,
// emit although no included files not found. See "Files not found" section.
// *** Experimental, TEST NEEDED
// - default: false
emitOnNoIncludedFileNotFound: false,
// output d.ts as designed for module folder. (no declare modules)
outputAsModuleFolder: false,
// path to file that contains the header
// // insert a header in output file. i.e.:
// - default: null
headerPath: "path/to/header/file",
// text of the the header
// doesn't work with headerPath
// // insert a header in output file. i.e.:
// - default: ''
headerTex: ""
For all other information, please, go to original dts-bundle plugin.