git clone
sudo npm run globalinstall
npm install
Generating Tree of Life data
cd res
gulp download
gulp translate --lang en
gulp translate --lang de
gulp deploy
cd ..
The fast way (all languages pretranslated)
cd res
gulp deploy
cd ..
and download prebuild data and copy content to res/hierarchy/Open-Tree-of-Life/.
'res/hierarchy/Open-Tree-of-Life/afrotheria/afrotheria.d3.json-de.lang.json' should be a valid path if done correctly.
gulp watch
Will build and open a browser window.
ISDS Project10
Michael Glatzhofer 0230699 706.505 Projekt Informationssysteme 10 ECTS
- split in 3, rollup, webpack (tests!), npm
- define api, extract infterface
- write howto
- reduce package size
- predefine api for
- configrable component, with configuation ui
o upto a few thousand nodes o "perimeter culling" o hyperbolic zoom = radius adjustment o default zoom level (see whole tree) o label filtering - by data (importance is defined in dataset) - by algo o multi-touch events / responsive o level-of-detail drag (lines on drag, curves on refresh) - lines on drag, curves on refresh - hide labels on drag - hide nodes on drag if nessessary o save as svg
[o semantic (doi) filtering]
performace consderations
- svg into frame buffer = miniature using css transform ?
- is css fast? how to save as svg?
- dataset will be loaded completly
- svg elements limited
- javascript limitations
- currently all nodes are transformed from hyperbolic space to euclidian
- keep this if possible, otherwise:
- get a visible node, (the one under mouse?)
- transform children unitl r > .995 and add to visible set
- transform parent unitl r > .995 and add to visible set