What is DUI?
- DUI is a lightweight ui framework based on plugin mechanism, that can run in both node.js and browsers.
- In DUI, everything is plugin exactly, e.g., themes, extendtions, features, APIs.
- DUI adhere to AMD mechanism, your project need to employ javascript module loaders such as RequireJS, curl, Dojo to import DUI modules.
- Our code adopted a compatible coding style in order to make DUI could run in node.js smoothly, and collaborators need to observe this compatible style.
- Everyone could use scaffold tools to create primitive widget or plugin.
Use DUI in browsers
- Clone a copy of the main git repo by running:
git clone git://github.com/lbxx1984/dui.git
- Compile css/dui.less to css file, or add less compiling module to your development environment, then import style sheet in your home page:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dui/css/dui.css"/>
- Import widget modules and plugin modules to your customized module like:
], function (Table, TableHeader) {
- Create plugin instances like:
var tableHeader = new TableHeader({height: 35});
- Create initialization parameters for UI constructor like:
var param = {
container: document.getElementById('tableContainer'), // HtmlElement or String
fields: [
{width: 100, tip: 'name', field: 'name'},
{width: 50, tip: 'age', field: 'age'}
datasource: [
{name: 'tom', age: 18},
{name: 'jim', age: 21}
plugin: [
- Create an ui instance like:
var table = new Table(param);
console.log(table); // output table to console.
Use DUI without module loaders
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dui/build/dui.min.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./dui/build/dui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./deps/jquery.min.js"></script>
<body onload="test()">
<div id="container"></div>
- Use DUI as a normal library:
function test() {
if (!window.DUI) {
// Because DUI loading takes some time, you need to check if it has been loaded.
setTimeout(test, 50);
var param = {
container: document.getElementById("container"),
fields: [
{tip: "column1", field: "column1"},
{tip: "column2", field: "column2"},
{tip: "column3", field: "column3"}
datasource: [
{column1: "1-1", column2: "1-2", column3: "1-3"},
{column1: "2-1", column2: "2-2", column3: "2-3"},
{column1: "3-1", column2: "3-2", column3: "3-3"}
skin: "colorful",
plugin: [
new DUI.TableHeader(),
new DUI.TableSelector({mode: "row", select: "multiple"})
var table = new DUI.Table(param);
Use DUI in node.js
npm install dui
- Import widget modules and plugin modules to your customized module like:
var Table = require('dui/src/widget/Table');
var TableHeader = require('dui/src/plugin/TableHeader');
- Create plugin instances like:
var tableHeader = new TableHeader({height: 35});
- Create initialization parameters for UI constructor like:
var param = {
// no need to appoint container.
// container: document.getElementById('tableContainer'),
fields: [
{width: 100, tip: 'name', field: 'name'},
{width: 50, tip: 'age', field: 'age'}
datasource: [
{name: 'tom', age: 18},
{name: 'jim', age: 21}
plugin: [
- Create an ui instance like:
var table = new Table(param);
- Export html and class name of ui instances like:
var html = table.html;
var className = table._temp.className;
- Use the derived results elsewhere like:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var status = req.url.substr(1);
res.writeHeader(status, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.write('<div class="' + className + '">' + html + '</div>');
- Use scaffold tool to add widget/plugin templet automatically:
node add TestWidget
node add TextPlugin plugin
- Scaffold tool will trigger a building process.
- Install test tool by running:
npm install -g istanbul
- Regist test project by modifying './test/config.js';
- Add entry js to './test/entry/';
- Add cases, results, processers in ONE js, like './test/cases/picker.js';
- Enter DUI root directory and run test project like:
istanbul cover test.js
- Check test report by accessing './coverage/index.html'.
- Enter DUI root directory and run build project like:
node build
- Check output files in './build'.