
JS porting for DU command

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dujs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dujs';




npm i -g dujs


dujs .

║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs                     │ 54.30 MiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/node_modules        │ 54.09 MiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/.git                │   104 KiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/bin                 │     8 KiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/lib                 │     8 KiB. ║


You can specify some options :

-d [depth=1] : Search depth

You can specify the depth of the search for the du command.

dujs -d 2 .

will set the depth to 2.

Be aware that a big depth could make the command take a very long time.

-n : Non human size display

To avoid having a non-human size display (only displaying the number of kilobytes used), set the -n flag.

-r : Reverse sorting

To sort the directories by reversed order (lightest folders first), set the -r flag.

dujs -r .

║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/bin                 │     8 KiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/lib                 │     8 KiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/.git                │   104 KiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs/node_modules        │ 54.09 MiB. ║
║ /home/chaksoft/tools/dujs                     │ 54.34 MiB. ║

-f : Include all files

Wrapping around the -a flag of the du command. Displays all the files that are scanned, respecting the depth property.


This software is licensed with the GPL-v3.0 license. See LICENSE file for further information.