
render watercolor images

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dumas from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dumas';



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render watercolor images

Renders images that resemble watercolor paint splotches and outputs them as svg. Based on this post by Tyler Hobbs.


$ npm install dumas


So for example:

const fs = require('fs');
const dumas = require('dumas');

const shape = [
  [593, 215, 1.1],
  [407, 215, 1.5],
  [257, 324, 0.9],
  [200, 500, 0.5],
  [257, 676, 0.7],
  [407, 785, 0.9],
  [593, 785, 0.2],
  [743, 676, 1.1],
  [800, 500, 1.9],
  [743, 324, 0.3]

const svg = dumas(shape, {
  fill: 'rgb(245, 10, 10)',
  opacity: 0.02,
  baseSigmas: [50, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10],
  layerSigmas: [20, 10, 5, 5],
  amountOfLayers: 150,
  mutationFactor: 0.75,
  mutationSigma: 0.1

fs.writeFileSync('output.svg', svg);


dumas(shape, [options]) ⇒ string

Render watercolor images

Kind: global function Returns: string - The generated svg as a string

Param Type Default Description
shape Array The base shape to start with, array of arrays
[options] Object {} Global configuration options
[options.fill] string "rgb(0, 0, 0)" Css color string, color to fill the shapes with
[options.opacity] number 0.02 Opacity of the generated shapes, between 0 and 1
[options.baseSigmas] Array [50, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10] Array of sigmas for to use for deforming the base shape
[options.layerSigmas] Array [20, 10, 5, 5] Array of sigmas for to use for deforming the layer shapes
[options.amountOfLayers] number 150 Amount of layers to generate
[options.mutationFactor] number 0.75 Factor to reduce sigma by after every deformation round
[options.mutationSigma] number 0.1 Sigma used for introducing some randomness in the mutationFactor
