get dummy data like name paragraphs,word,scentences,name,images,banners,placeholders
For development, you will only need Node.js and a node global package, NPM, installed in your environment.
npm i dummy-data-cbkm
Currently, we support
'paragraph', 'sentence', 'word', 'name', 'phone', 'pic', 'number', 'bool'
getParagraphs (count?< + integer > , array?< bool >)
returns :- lorem-ipsum paragraphs of specified count (default=1) & in form of array (true or false)
getSentences (count?< + integer > , array?< bool >)
returns :- lorem-ipsum sentences of specified count (default=1) & in form of array (true or false)
getWords (count?<+ integer > , array?< bool >)
returns :- lorem-ipsum words of specified count (default=1) & in form of array (true or false)
Some Advance functions
getNames (count?< + integer > , gender?< char > , array?< bool > , join < char >)
|parameter|defaults |options| |--|--| -- | | count | 1 | any number| |gender|' a ' (any)|' m ' ,' f '| |array|false|true , false | |join|' , '|any character |
getPicLink (width?<+ integer> , height?<+ integer> , count?<+ integer> , array?< bool > , join < char >)
|parameter|defaults |options| |--|--| -- | | width | 200 | any number| | height | 200 | any number| | count | 1 | any number| |array|false|true , false | |join|' , '|any character |
getPlacholderLink (count?< + integer > , params? < json > , array?< bool > , join < char >)
|parameter|defaults |options| |--|--| -- | | count | 1 | any number| |prams.config|' 150x150 '| ' w x h '| |prams.background|' #cccccc '| ' #RRGGBB '| |prams.foreground|' #969696 '| ' #RRGGBB '| |prams.text|' '| any string| |array|false|true , false | |join|' , '|any character |
getProfileLink( count?< + integer > , gender? < char > , array?< bool > , join < char >)
parameter|defaults |options| |--|--| -- | | count | 1 | any number| |gender|' a ' (any)|' m ' ,' f '| |array|false|true , false | |join|' , '|any character |
coustom ( body?< json > )
It can only be discovered by the following example
{ "paragraphs": { "type": "paragraph", "option": { "max": 16, "min": 4 } }, "sentence": { "type": "sentence", "option": { "max": 8, "min": 4 } }, "word": "word", "name": { "type": "name", "option": { "gender": "m" } }, "phone": "phone", "pic": { "type": "pic", "option": { "width": 300, "height": 400 } }, "number": { "type": "number", "option": { "max": 10000, "min": 100 } }, "bool": "bool" }