Serve up dummy JSON data at a URL endpoint based on a Dummy JSON template file
Command line Interface:
'-p :portNumber': Description: Port to serve data on (must be integer) Default: 9000
'-r :routeName': Description: Route to serve data on (must be string) Default: base route '/'
'-t :dataTemplateFilePath' Description: Path to Dummy JSON data file path OR a valid template string Default: A default template file that will be packaged with the module install
Example Commands:
Serve up dummy data at http://localhost:9000/myDummyData from template file 'dummyData.hbs'
pc:~ rkalkur$ dummyjsonroute -p 9000 -r /myDummyData -t /myDataTemplates/dummyData.hbs
Serve up dummy data at http://localhost:9000/person/:id/purchases from template file 'dummyPurchaseData.hbs'
pc:~ rkalkur$ dummyjsonroute -p 9000 -r /person/:id/purchases -t /myDataTemplates/dummyPurchaseData.hbs
Serve up dummy data at http://localhost:9000/person/:id/purchases from template file 'dummyPurchaseData.hbs'
However, inject the URL parameters into the dummy data where they are specified in the given template file
pc:~ rkalkur$ dummyjsonroute -p 9000 -r /person/:id/purchases -t /myDataTemplates/dummyPurchaseData.hbs
dummyPurchaseData.hbs file contents:
"id": {{ }},
"name": "Kleenex"
Then, if you issue an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:9000/person/1/purchases, you would get back the following response (in JSON format):
"id": 1,
"name": "Kleenex"
If you want to pass non-numeric values in as URL parameters, you need to remember to wrap the property value in double-quotes within the template file.
For example, if you issue an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:9000/person/aq575uti00/purchases, the data template file would need to look like the following:
"id": "{{ }}",
"name": "Kleenex"