version: 0.0.3 A simple global tool you can use to save duplicates of your projects, and load them at a later time. Please report any bugs to Thanks.
The current version is missing alot of planned features such as grabbing from url, and uploading to a repo.
npm install -g dupio
- duplicate your current directory to the dupio/templates folder.
- create a new copy of a dupio template in your local folder, installing its dependencies.
CLI Commands:
cmd: save
- description: Saves the current directory as a duplio template.
- usage:
dupio save <?name>
- alts: save/--save/s/-s
cmd: load
- description: Generates a project from a duplio template.
- usage:
dupio load <?project> <?name>
- alts: load/--load/l/-l
cmd: help
- description: Displays useful help information about dupio and its commands
- usage:
dupio help
- alts: help/--help/h/-h
cmd: remove
- description: Removes/Deletes a project template from dupio.
- usage:
dupio remove
- alts: remove/--remove/r/-r
Planned features:
- Auto update the new package json after laoding
- Compress projects before storing
- Get projects from repo and verify integrity (using its Hash)
- Publish projects to repo (both private and public)
- Support non npm projects