
password hashing

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import durin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/durin';



Speak, friend, and enter.

from inscription on Doors of Durin

The durin module provides functions for hashing passwords.

  • uses standard crypto.pbkdf2 function
  • salted hashes (no need to save salt separately)
  • hash encoding is URL safe
  • self-describing hash allows simple rehashing to keep hash secure

Example - Hash a password

var durin = require("durin"),
    passwd = "s3kr3t!";

durin.hashPassword(passwd, function(hash) {
    // ... save hash so that the password can be verified later

Example - Verify a password

var durin = require("durin"),
    passwd = "s3kr3t!",
    hash = "pbkdf2$73$1$8a";

durin.verifyPassword(passwd, hash, function(verified) {
    // verified will be truthy if password matches
    if (verified) {
        // verified will match hash if hash is still secure; otherwise, verified
        // will be set to a new, secure hash
        if (verified !== hash) {
            // ... replace stored hash with new hash
        // ... accept login, password matched
    // verified set to false if password did not match
    else {
        // ... reject login; password did not match hash

Example - Configure hash security

var durin = require("durin")({
        iterations: 125000,
        saltLength: 32,
        keyLength: 512,
        disablePlaintext: true



Create a new durin context with updated options. Unspecified options will be inherited from the executed durin context.


Number of iterations to use for a new hash. When verifying an existing hash, this is the minimum number of iterations for a hash to be considered secure.


Number of bits to use for a new hash key. When verifying an existing hash, this is the minimum number of bits in a key for a hash to be considered secure.


Number of bits to use for salting a new hash. When verifying an existing hash, this is the minimum number of bits in a salt for a hash to be considered secure.


Plaintext passwords will be accepted in place of a hash when this is set to false.


Read-only. The value of the disablePlaintext option for the durin context.

durin.hashPassword(password, done)

Hash the password. The callback gets the argument (hash)


Return true if the value is a recognized hash.


Read-only. The value of the iterations option for the durin context.


Read-only. The value of the keyLength option for the durin context.


Read-only. The value of the saltLength option for the durin context.

durin.verifyPassword(password, hash, done)

Verify a password. The callback gets a single argument (verified), which is false if the password could not be verified. If the password is verified, the passed value will be the hash, which may be updated to meet configured security requirements.

Potential Future Changes

  • break pbkdf2 into its own module and support plugins