Dust Intl
Dust helpers for internationalization.
This package used to be named dust-helper-intl
Integrate internationalization features with Dust to lower the barrier for localizing Dust templates.
Build on current and emerging JavaScript
standards — architect in a future-focused way. Leverage industry standards used in other programming langages like CLDR locale data, and ICU Message syntax.Run in both Node.js and in the browser.
How It Works
Template Source:
<b>Price:</b> {@formatNumber val=price style="currency" currency="USD"/}
Render Template:
var context = {
intl: {
locales: 'en-US'
price: 1000
dust.renderSource(template, context, function(err, html) {
<b>Price:</b> $1,000.00
Formats numbers and dates/times, including those in complex messages using the JavaScript built-ins:
, respectively.Formats relative times (e.g., "3 hours ago") using the [Intl RelativeFormat][Intl-RF] library which uses CLDR locale data.
Formats complex messages, including plural and select arguments using the Intl MessageFormat library which uses CLDR locale data and works with ICU Message syntax.
Dependency Intl
This package assumes that the Intl
global object exists in the runtime.
is present in all modern browsers except Safari, and there's work happening to integrate Intl
into Node.js.
Luckly, there's the Intl.js polyfill! You will need to conditionally load the polyfill if you want to support runtimes which Intl
is not already built-in.
Loading Intl.js Polyfill in a browser
If the browser does not already have the Intl
APIs built-in, the Intl.js Polyfill will need to be loaded on the page along with the locale data for any locales that need to be supported:
<script src="intl/Intl.min.js"></script>
<script src="intl/locale-data/jsonp/en-US.js"></script>
Note: Modern browsers already have the Intl
APIs built-in, so you can load the Intl.js Polyfill conditionally, by for checking for window.Intl
Loading Intl.js Polyfill in Node.js
Conditionally require the Intl.js Polyfill if it doesn't already exist in the runtime. As of Node <= 0.10, this polyfill will be required.
if (!global.Intl) {
Note: When using the Intl.js Polyfill in Node.js, it will automatically load the locale data for all supported locales.
Registering Helpers in a Browser
First, load Dust and this package onto the page:
<script src="dustjs/dust-core.min.js"></script>
<script src="dust-intl/dust-intl.min.js"></script>
By default, Handlebars Intl ships with the locale data for English built-in to the runtime library. When you need to format data in another locale, include its data; e.g., for French:
<script src="dust-intl/locale-data/fr.js"></script>
Note: All 150+ locales supported by this package use their root BCP 47 langage tag; i.e., the part before the first hyphen (if any).
Then, register the helpers with Dust:
This package will create the DustIntl
global that has the registerWith()
Registering Helpers in Node.js
Import Dust and this package, then register the Intl helpers with Dust:
var Dust = require('dustjs-linkedin'),
DustIntl = require('dust-helper-intl');
Note: in Node.js, the data for all 150+ locales is pre-loaded and does not need to be loaded manually.
Supplying i18n Data to Dust
Dust has just the context in which to pass all information.
This package looks in the intl
key in the context for the i18n used by the helpers.
A string with a BCP 47 language tag, or an array of such strings; e.g., "en-US"
If you do not provide a locale, the default locale will be used, but you should always provide one!
This value is used by the helpers when constructing the underlying formatters.
This is an object the keys of which identify messages and the values are the messages themselves.
These messages are referenced by the _key
parameter of the {@intlMessage}
One common use is to put complex message strings here.
The strings should be appropriate for the locale specified by context.intl.locales
Note: These messages need to follow the ICU Message standard. Luckily this is a common standard that professional translators should already be familiar with.
// Static collection of messages, per-locale.
var MESSAGES = {
whoHosted: '{hostName} hosted the party!',
petUpsell: 'Pets? We have: {numPets, number, integer}',
These statically defined message strings can be provided to dust via context.intl.messages
// Supply the intl data as part of the context.
var context = {
intl: {
locales: 'en-US',
messages: MESSAGES
dust.renderSource(template, context, function(err, html) {
Object with user defined options for format styles. This is used to supply custom format styles and is useful you need supply a set of options to the underlying formatter; e.g., outputting a number in USD:
number: {
USD: {
style : 'currency',
currency: 'USD'
date : {...},
time : {...},
relative: {...}
These pre-defined formats map to their respective helpers of the same type, and all context.intl.formats
are used by the {@formatNumber}
, {@formatDate}
, and {@formatTime}
They can then be used by String name/path like this:
{@formatNumber val=100 formatName="USD"/}
Block helper used to create a new intl
data scope by updating the i18n data supplied to Dust within the block.
This is useful when you need to render part of the page in a particular locale, or need to supply the i18n data to Dust via the template context.
The following example uses {@intl}
to set the locale to French and will output "1 000"
{@intl locales="fr-FR"}
{@formatNumber val=1000/}
Formats dates using Intl.DateTimeFormat
, and returns the formatted string value.
{@formatDate val=now weekday="long" timeZone="UTC"/}
var context = {
intl: {
locales: 'en-US'
Dust.renderSource(template, context, function(err, html) {
console.log(html); // => "Tuesday, August 12, 2014"
instance orString
timestamp to format.[format]
: Optional String path to a predefined format oncontext.intl.formats
. The format's values are merged with other parameters.
Other parameters passed to this helper become the options
argument when the Intl.DateTimeFormat
instance is created.
This delegates to the {@formatDate}
helper, but first it will reference any formatName
from context.intl.formats.time
Formats dates relative to "now" using [IntlRelativeFormat
][Intl-RF], and returns the formatted string value.
<p>Posted {@formatRelative val=postDate/}</p>
var context = {
intl: {
locales: 'en-US'
postDate: - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) // 1 day ago.
Dust.renderSource(template, context, function(err, html) {
console.log(html); // => "<p>Posted yesterday</p>"
instance orString
timestamp to format.[format]
: Optional String path to a predefined format oncontext.intl.formats
. The format's values are merged with other parameters.
Other parameters passed to this helper become the options
argument when the Intl.DateTimeFormat
instance is created.
Formats numbers using Intl.NumberFormat
and returns the formatted string value.
{@formatNumber val=price style="currency" currency="USD"/}
var context = {
intl: {
locales: 'en-US'
price = 100
Dust.renderSource(template, context, function(err, html) {
console.log(html); // => "$100.00"
to format.[format]
: Optional String path to a predefined format oncontext.intl.formats
. The format's values are merged with other parameters.
Other parameters passed to this helper become the options
argument when the Intl.NumberFormat
instance is created.
Formats ICU Message strings with the given values supplied as the hash arguments.
You have {numPhotos, plural,
=0 {no photos.}
=1 {one photo.}
other {# photos.}}
{@formatMessage _key="photos" numPhotos=numPhotos/}
var context = {
intl: {
locales: 'en-US',
messages: {
photos: '...', // String from code block above.
numPhotos: 1
Dust.renderSource(template, context, function(err, html) {
console.log(html); // => "You have one photo."
The parameters represent the name/value pairs that are used to format the message by providing values for its argument placeholders. A few parameters have special meaning and are used by this helper.
message orIntlMessageFormat
instance to format with the given parameters as the values._key
to lookup the message incontext.intl.messages
Note: It is recommended to use _key
instead of including the literal message string in the template.
This software is free to use under the Yahoo! Inc. BSD license. See the LICENSE file for license text and copyright information.