
Parses ead files to JSON.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eadparser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/eadparser';


Takes an EAD XML file as an argument and produces a JSON object.

npm install

const eadParser = require('eadParser')

eadParser.parseXml(<XML FILE URL>).then((result) => { console.log(result });

Produces a highly-opinionated JSON object representing the EAD. The JSON object looks like this:

_id: '',
summaryInformation: {},
biographicalHistoricalNote: {},
scopeAndContent: {},
arrangementOfMaterials: {},
administrativeInformation: {},
relatedMaterials: {},
controlledAccessHeadings: {},
generalNote: {},
physicalCharacteristics: {},
collectionInventory: {},
atFindingAid: '';
modifiedDate = '';