
Telegram Client API wrapper for telegram-mtproto

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easyTelegramMtproto from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easy-telegram-mtproto';


Easy Telegram Mtproto

  • Easy interface for telegram-mtproto
  • Allows you to create custom telegram clients, chat-bots as user, etc


npm install easy-telegram-mtproto


const TelegramClient = require ('easy-telegram-mtproto');
const data = require ('./login-data.json');

const main = async () => {

    console.log (data);

    const client = new TelegramClient (data.app.api_id, data.app.api_hash,
        async () => data.phone,
        () => {

            const readline = require ('readline');

            const rl = readline.createInterface ({
                input: process.stdin,
                output: process.stdout

            return new Promise (resolve => {

                rl.question ('Code', (answer) => {

                    rl.close ();
                    resolve (answer);

    await client.login ();

    const chats = await client.getChats ();
    const me = chats.find ((chat) => chat.self);

    console.log (me);

    client.sendMessage (me, 'Hello, is it me you\'re looking for?');

main ();


  • TelegramClient (apiId, apiHash, name, getPhone, getCode, getRandomMessageId, storageFolder)
    • apiId and apiHash you can get from telegram website.
    • name is needed to save login keys.
    • getPhone and getCode are async functions that are called when phone number or telegram login code are required.
    • getRandomMessageId is called when message random_id is required
    • storageFolder to save login keys.
  • async asInputPeer (...args) converts chat object to InputPeer
  • async login () logs in telegram if was not logged in before
  • async getChats () returns list of all chats (max 1000)
  • async getAndSaveChatsData (jsonFileName = 'chats.json', txtFileName = 'chats.txt') gets short chats data and saves it to file
  • async chatHistory (chat) reads all history from chat
  • async forwardMessages (from, to, messages) forwardes messages from on chat to another
  • async deleteMessagesFromChannel (from, messages) deletes selected message from channel or supergroup
  • async sendMessage (target, message) sends message to chat
  • async call (...args) calls custom API method. List of methods
await client.call ('messages.sendMessage', {
    peer: TelegramClient.asInputPeer (target),