
Add convenience function to the req and res objects of an http/https server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easyreq from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easyreq';



Add convenience function to the req and res objects of an http/https server


npm install easyreq


Use easyreq to decorate the req and res objects of a server

var http = require('http');
var easyreq = require('easyreq');

http.createServer(function(req, res) {
  easyreq(req, res); // call easyreq to overload these object with new methods

  console.log(req.urlparsed); // the output of url.parse(req.url, true);

  res.error(); // end the connection with a 500

  res.notfound(); // end the connection with a 404

  res.redirect('http://www.google.com'); // end the connection with a 302 redirect to google


The output of url.parse(req.url, true). Additional keys are also available:

  • req.urlparsed.normalizedpathname: the output of path.normalize(req.urlparsed.pathname); used to help prevent directory traversal attacks against your webserver.
  • req.urlparsed.query: this object has been cleansed of reserved keywords

res.error([code], [s])

End the connection with a given code which defaults to 500. This allows for simple one-liners like:

if (err)
  return res.error();

The second argument is an optional string to pass to res.end(), if it is not supplied, the data will be set to http.STATUS\_CODES[code]


// send a 500 with the body set to "Internal Server Error" (http.STATUS_CODES[500])

// send a 501 with the body set to "Not Implemented" (http.STATUS_CODES[501])

// send a 500 with the body set to "foo"

// send a 503 with the body set to "bar"
res.error(503, 'bar');


Like res.error() above, this will end the connection with a 404. Again this allows for simple one-liners like:

if (!route)
  return res.notfound();

Any arguments passed to res.notfound() will be applied to the res.end() function.

res.redirect(url, [code])

Send a 302 redirect to the given URL and end the connection.

The optional second argument is the code to send, defaults to 302

res.json(obj, [code], [pretty])

End the request by sending an object as JSON. obj is automatically stringified, the Content-Type header is set if it is not currently set.

Code is optional and defaults to 200

Note: this function can throw if the object cannot be stringified

res.html(html, [code])

End the request by sending HTML. Content-Type header is set if it is not currently set.

Code is optional and defaults to 200
