
Easy wrapper for vCenter operations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import easyvc from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/easyvc';



Easy wrapper for vSphere operations.

Only a small subset (growing) of vSphere APIs are available according to my actual need.

Currently the basic VM guest operations are available:

  • Locate VM
  • Upload/download file to/from guest
  • Run script in guest
  • CD operations
  • Power operations


const easyvc = require('easyvc')()

process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = 0 process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, p) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at:', p, 'reason:', reason) process.exit() })

const vcOrEsxiHost = '' const user = '' const password = ''

const vmName = '' const guestUser = '' const guestPwd = '';

(async function test(vmName, guestUser, guestPwd) {

await easyvc.login(vcOrEsxiHost, user, password)	
console.log('logged in')

let vms = await easyvc.findVMsByName(vmName)
if (vms.length === 0)
    throw 'VM not found: ' + vmName
let vm = vms[0]
console.log('vm:', vm.mor.value)

let guest = await vm.guest(guestUser, guestPwd, {log: false})
let fileMgr = guest.file()
let processMgr = guest.process()

console.log('[test upload/download]')
let text = 'Hello, mortal'
let tempPath = fileMgr.tempPath()
let target = tempPath + '/test.txt'
await fileMgr.uploadText(text, target)

let downloaded = await fileMgr.downloadText(target)
if (downloaded !== text)
    console.error('Failed: upload/download mismatch')
await fileMgr.delete(tempPath)

console.log('[test run script]')
//works on both windows/linux (with expected errors)
let script = 'date /t\r\necho hello'
let result = await processMgr.runScript(script, 10000)

//list properties of VM. Refer to vSphere MOB browser for model details
console.log('summary', await vm.get('summary'))
console.log('config', await vm.get('config'))
console.log('config.guestId', await vm.get('config.guestId'))

return 'DONE'

})(vmName, guestUser, guestPwd).catch(e => console.error('ERROR: ' + e))