
This module uses a node.js ebay-api (https://github.com/benbuckman/nodejs-ebay-api) to make calls to the Ebay Developer API. Some changes pending are integration with Algolia Search.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ebayKicks from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ebay-kicks';




This module uses a node.js ebay-api (https://github.com/benbuckman/nodejs-ebay-api) to make calls to the Ebay Developer API. Some changes pending are integration with Algolia Search.

Methods Supported:


This method makes a request to the ebay-api. It is used internally by other methods. It can be called directly by the user as well.


This method makes a "GetSellerList" call to the Ebay Developer API. The parameters "EndTimeFrom" and "EndTimeTo" are the current way to give a time period in the listings returned. Improvements pending.


This method takes in an Algolia index as well as the name of a keyword within the index. It then performs a given function on the content returned.


This returns a userAuthToken necessary for performing all the Ebay Developer API calls.


This adds a listing to the user's Ebay profile. The proper paramters are required, and they are quite extensive. See (https://developer.ebay.com/devzone/xml/docs/Reference/eBay/AddItem.html) for full list of possible parameters. However, the user has a choice (to an extent) on which parameters they choose to provide for the listing.


This method deletes a listing.

Usage Instructions:

Fill in the appropriate parameters (Algolia App Id, Algolia Index Id) for Algolia search in the client variable below.

var client = algoliasearch('', '');

Do the same as above for the ebayClient variable.

var ebayClient = algoliasearch('', '');

Retrieve the DevId, CertId, and AppId from your Ebay developer dashboard and set the variables below to those values.

Alt text

var devId = '';
var certId = '';
var appId = '';

This productionToken is the UserAuthToken required to make any of the Ebay API calls. The token must be from a Production environment, not a Sandbox. Fill in the variable "productionToken" with the value from the dashboard.

Alt text

var productionToken = "";

Once these variables' values are populated, calls like the ones listed below can be made:

ebayRequest("GetItem", devId, certId, appId, authToken, {"ItemID": '372471566880'});

getEbayListings(devId, certId, appId, authToken, endTimeFrom, endTimeTo, fn, userId)