
A simple client side library to test WebSocket with Echo Messages.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import echoClient from '';


Echo Client

Echo Client is a client-side JS library to test WebSocket with Echo Messages.


Manual Download

Download the echo.js file and add it to your project folder. Download here

<script src="echo.js"></script>

Using NPM

Use the package manager npm to install Echo Client.

npm install echo-client

You need to use Express Server to serve the file. Add this line to your Express Server.

app.use("/echo", express.static(__dirname + "/node_modules/echo-client"));

Next add it to your HTML.

<script src="/echo/echo.js"></script>


//Create a Echo providing the WebSocket Echo Server URL
//This one is good - "wss://"
let echo = new Echo("wss://");

//Set the Callback to execute when receiving a message from the server. 
echo.whenReply((msg) => {

//generate(callback, n)
//This method send n messages with the callback that generate an object as content to Echo Server
//You will receive the same messages.
// IMPORTANT: The Callback must return an Object!
echo.generate(() => {return {hello: "Hello World!"}}, 2);

//generateEverySecond(callback, second, n)
//This method send n messages with the callback that generate an object as content to Echo Server
//and repeat this every setted second/s.
echo.generateEverySecond(() => {return {test: "I am looping every 1 second"}}, 1, 5);

//Stop the generateEverySecond method if loop is running.

Version 1.0.0 - Under Construction


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
