
AT28C256 EEPROM Arduino Programmer with command line interface

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eeprom from '';


Arduino EEPROM Burner

Node CLI

This repository provides a node.js CLI to read from and write to an AT28C[16 || 64 || 128 || 256] parallel EEPROM using an Arduino and a simple serial protocol.

The address is shifted onto two serial-in / parallel-out 8-bit shift registers (74595) to account for the limited amount of pins available.


$ npm install -g eeprom


The pinout can be edited directly in the .ino file.

Pin Name Component Function Arduino Pin
DS 74HC595 Address shift input A0
LATCH 74HC595 Address output enable A1
CLOCK 74HC595 Shift clock A2
CE EEPROM Chip Enable A3
OE EEPROM Data Output Enable A4
WE EEPROM Data Write Enable A5
IO[0..7] EEPROM Data Input / Output pins 2..9
Read LED LED Optional Read Status LED 11
Write LED LED Optional Write Status LED 12

My breadboard implementation is quite bushy right now, I'm planning on designing a clean PCB version.

BreadBoard circuit

Command Line Interface

One can read from or read to the EEPROM using a simple node.js CLI.

  Usage: eeprom [options]


    -V, --version               output the version number
    -p, --port [port]           the Arduino's Serial Port
    -r, --read [file]           read data from EEPROM into file, prints to stdout if no file provided
    -w, --write [file]          write a file to the EEPROM, uses -data if no file provided
    -b, --bin                   use binary data, defaults to hexadecimal
    -f, --fill-num [num]        fill [start] to [start] + [length] with [num], defaults to 0xff (255)
    -c, --fill-char [char]      fill [start] to [start] + [length] with [char], defaults to 'a'
    -s, --start-address [addr]  Start address of read or write
    -l, --length [addr]         number of bytes to read / fill
    -d, --data [string]         data used for a write if no file is provided
    -g, --hide-progress         disables the progress-bar
    -v, --verbose               enable logging
    -h, --help                  output usage information

Communication Protocol

This simple protocol uses a baud rate of 115 200 (can be modified) to issue commands and send/receive data.

  • Five commands are currently implemented: Read in binary : 'r', Read in hex : 'R', Write in binary : 'w', Write in hex : 'W' and Fill with character : 'F'

  • Each command is represented by a string with the following format: ['W' || 'w' || 'R' || 'r'],addr,length

  • The address and length arguments are 4 ascii encoded hexadecimal digits, so to read the 256 first bytes in rom, one would call 'R,0000,00ff'

  • Once a command has been received, a confirmation is sent : "BeginRead\0" for a read command and "BeginWrite"\0 for a write command. The master can then start sending data or reading it.

  • To signal the end of a command, the character '%' is sent. A new command can then be issued.
