
Redirect to any URL in NextJS both on the client and on the server depending on the state of the store

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import effectorNextRedirect from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/effector-next-redirect';


Effector Next Redirect

Redirect to any URL in NextJS both on the client and on the server depending on the state of the store


npm install effector-next-redirect

or yarn

yarn add effector-next-redirect


  1. Redirect to the /login page, depending on the state of the $isAccessDenied store

    // pages/index.jsx
    import React from "react";
    import { withRedirect } from "effector-next-redirect";
    import { createStore } from "effector";
    export const $isAccessDenied = createStore(true);
    // redirect with setting 302 status code
    const enhance = withRedirect("/login", $isAccessDenied);
    export default function HomePage() {
      return (
    export default enhance(HomePage);
  2. Redirect to the /login page using replace on the client

    // pages/index.jsx
    import React from "react";
    import { withRedirect } from "effector-next-redirect";
    import { createStore } from "effector";
    export const $isAccessDenied = createStore(true);
    // redirect with setting 301 status code
    const enhance = withRedirect("/login", $isAccessDenied, { code: 301, replace: true });
    export default function HomePage() {
      return (
    export default enhance(HomePage);


The withRedirect function expects to receive the settings object as the third argument:

  • asUrl (string, optional) : mask url for the browser
  • code (number, optional) : status code set by the server after redirection
  • replace (boolean, optional) : use Router.replace instead of Router.push in browser