
A plugin for 11ty to take an SVG and provide the contents of that file to a template

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eleventyPluginSvgContents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/eleventy-plugin-svg-contents';



An Eleventy universal plugin to grab the contents of an SVG file to allow for embedding in your template with all the power of SVG.


Available on npm.

npm install eleventy-plugin-svg-contents --save

Open up your Eleventy config file (probably .eleventy.js) and add the plugin:

const svgContents = require("eleventy-plugin-svg-contents");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {


Base usage

In your (Nunjucks, Liquid or Handlebars) templates, use the following syntax to grab the contents from any SVG in your project path:

// nunjucks/liquid
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents }}

// handlebars
{{{svgContents 'path/to/file.svg' }}}

Quick note: You may need to pass another filter after to have this render as html. In Nunjucks, you'll add | safe to the end.

Adding a class to your SVG

You can append the svg class with the class option.

// Nunjucks
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents("extra-class-one extra-class-two") }}

// Liquid
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents: "extra-class-one extra-class-two" }}

// Handlebars
{{{svgContents 'path/to/file.svg' "extra-class-one extra-class-two" }}}

Using other SVG elements

If you want to use an element selector other than SVG (or want to select a specific piece of an SVG) you can use an optional second argument to provide a selector for the element in your SVG file. Any selector strings will work (classes, ids, attr, element).

Due to limitations of Liquid and Handlebars, you'll need to have a placeholder string for the optional class name argument.

// Nunjucks
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents("", "symbol") }}
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents("add-class", "#byId") }}

// Liquid
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents: "", "symbol" }}
{{ 'path/to/file.svg' | svgContents: "add-class", "#byId" }}

// Handlebars
{{{svgContents 'path/to/file.svg' "" "symbol" }}}
{{{svgContents 'path/to/file.svg' "add-class" "#byId" }}}


  • svgContents: Grabs the xml from an SVG and passes it to your template. Voila! Instant embedded SVG from a file!
  • Future Plan stripTitle: A filter to strip the <title> that often comes with SVGs and can cause havoc with SEO.