
Run the right elm in the right place.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import elmv from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/elmv';



Automatically call the right versions of elm, elm-format, and elm-test for the project you're working on.


Remove any currently installed versions of elm, elm-format, and elm-test. Run npm install -g elmv.


  • After installation running elm, elm-format or elm-test in an elm project directory will run the version of the command specified in the elmv.json in the root of that project.
  • If no elmv.json exists one will be created with the latest versions of these tools as defaults.
  • Versions will be installed automatically if they aren't already.
  • Outside of elm project directories you will always get the latest available version of each tool.
  • Passing a --use <version> string to any of the elm tools will switch the version of that tool and update your elmv.json.


  • Pass elm-format the right --elm-version parameter.