
Easily ensure data types.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ens from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ens';



Easily ensure data types.

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// Ensure variable `obj` is an object, the traditional way
obj = (typeof obj === 'object' && !(obj instanceof Array)) ? obj : {};
// Ensure variable obj is an object, using ens.obj
obj = ens.obj(obj);

ens makes it easy to ensure JS data types. With JS, ensuring data types requires a lot of ugly code. It's easy to specify variable defaults though: obj = obj || {}. The problem with this pattern is, when obj is set to a value which evaluates to true, the default value {} won't be bound to obj. This is where ens comes in: obj = ens.obj(obj). Which results in the binding of an object to obj no mather what type of data obj is.


npm install ens


var ens = require('ens');

ens.arr();       // []
ens.arr({});     // []
ens.arr([1, 2]); // [1, 2]

ens.boo();      // true
ens.boo({});    // true
ens.boo(false); // false

ens.fun();                   // function () {}
ens.fun({});                 // function () {}
ens.fun(function test() {}); // function test () {}

ens.num();   // 1
ens.num({}); // 1
ens.num(5);  // 5

ens.obj();         // {}
ens.obj([]);       // {}
ens.obj({a: 'b'}); // {a: 'b'}

ens.str();       // ''
ens.str({});     // ''
ens.str('test'); // 'test'