
Ensure the current url has a trailing slash

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ensureUrlTrailingSlash from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ensure-url-trailing-slash';



Check if the current URL ends with a trailing slash and redirects to it if not. This will fix site.com/foo into site.com/foo/.


This is useful for websites deployed on Netlify because site.com/foo and site.com/foo/ will resolve to the same page content. But site.com/foo is considered a file named foo at the root, while site.com/foo/ is considered a file named index.html in the foo/ directory. This has an impact on the way relative paths to assets are handled.

There is currently (as of November 2019) no way to force a redirect from site.com/foo to site.com/foo/ from Netlify, so this module comes as a workaround.


The main export of the module is a method that will check the URL and redirect (using window.location.replace) if needed.

Note that because of the issue this module is aimed to solve, you shouldn't call the method from an external ressource, as this ressource might not get loaded. Instead, you should inline it in your <head>.

Conveniently, the main export also contains a .source property that contains a stringified version of the method (wrapped in a self-invocated function).

So a typical usage would be to somehow import the module in your build process, then write the .source property in a <script> in your <head>.


Or, simply copy paste the following minified code into your <head>.
