
Get, set, or delete nested properties of process.env using a dot path

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import envDotProp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/env-dot-prop';



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♻️ Get, set, or delete nested properties of process.env using a dot path
Coded with ❤️ by Simone Primarosa.


This package aim to let you access to your environment variables as if they were JavaScript object. See this guide to understand how to use this package to create a 12 Factor compliant configuration system for you app.


$ npm install --save env-dot-prop


const envDotProp = require('env-dot-prop');

// Let's assume process.env contains the following keys
process.env = {
  FOO_BAR: 'unicorn',
  'FOO_DOT.DOT': 'pony',
  'FOO_UND\\_UND': 'whale'

// => { FOO_BAR: 'unicorn', 'FOO_DOT.DOT': 'pony', 'FOO_UND\_UND': 'whale' }
// => { foo: { bar: 'unicorn', 'dot.dot': 'pony', und_und: 'whale' } }

// getter
// => 'unicorn'

// => undefined

envDotProp.get('foo.notDefined.deep', 'default value');
// => 'default value'

// => 'pony'

// setter
envDotProp.set('foo.bar', 'b');
// => 'b'

// => { foo: { bar: 'b', 'dot.dot': 'pony', und_und: 'whale' } }

envDotProp.set('foo.baz.e', 'x');
// => 'x'
// => { e: 'x' }

// => { foo: { bar: 'b', baz: { e: 'x' }, 'dot.dot': 'pony', und_und: 'whale' } }

// has
// => true

// deleter
// => { baz: { e: 'x' }, 'dot.dot': 'pony', und_und: 'whale' }

// => undefined

envDotProp.set('n1', 42, {stringify: false});
envDotProp.get('n1', {parse: false});
// => 42
envDotProp.get('n1', {parse: true});
// => 42

envDotProp.set('n2', 42, {stringify: true});
envDotProp.get('n2', {parse: false});
// => '42'
envDotProp.get('n2', {parse: true});
// => 42

envDotProp.set('n3', 42);
// => 42

envDotProp.set('n4', '42');
// => '42'

// => { n1: '42', n1: 42, n3: 42, n4: '42', foo: { 'dot.dot': 'pony', und_und: 'whale' } }
// => { 'FOO_DOT.DOT': 'pony', 'FOO_UND\_UND': 'whale', N1: '42', N2: 42, N3: 42, N4: '42' }


get(path, [defaultValue], [opts]) ⇒ any

Gets the values of environment variables at the path specified.

Kind: global function
Returns: any - The values of environment variables associated with the path specified.
Access: public

Param Type Default Description
path string Dot separated path.
[defaultValue] any Default value to return if there is not any environment variable that matches the path provided.
[opts] Object Additional options.
[opts.parse] boolean false If true the value retrieved is converted to the proper type.
[opts.caseSensitive] boolean false If true no case conversion will be performed from the dot path provided to the env key search. Eg: 'tesT.kEy' will look for tesT_kEy environment variable instead of TEST_KEY.

set(path, value, [opts])

Sets an env key at the path specified. If nested keys are present they will be deleted.

Kind: global function
Access: public

Param Type Default Description
path string Dot separated path.
value string Value to set.
[opts] object Additional options.
[opts.stringify] boolean false If true the value provided is converted to string.
[opts.caseSensitive] boolean false If true no case conversion is performed from the dot path provided to the env key search. Eg: 'tesT.kEy' will look for tesT_kEy environment variable instead of TEST_KEY.

del(path, [opts])

Deletes an env key at the path specified. If nested keys are present they will be deleted too.

Kind: global function
Access: public

Param Type Default Description
path string A dot separated path.
[opts] object Additional options.
[opts.caseSensitive] boolean false If true no case conversion is performed from the dot path provided to the env key search. Eg: 'tesT.kEy' will look for tesT_kEy environment variable instead of TEST_KEY.

has(path, [opts]) ⇒ boolean

Returns whether an env key exists at the path specified.

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean - true if exists at least one environment variables with that path prefix.
Access: public

Param Type Default Description
path string Dot separated path.
[opts] object Additional options.
[opts.caseSensitive] boolean false If true no case conversion is performed from the dot path provided to the env key search. Eg: 'tesT.kEy' will look for tesT_kEy environment variable instead of TEST_KEY.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license file for details.