
eosplayer is the glue layer of eosjs, which is packaged based on eosjs and provides better usability for the application layer. It can be used on browsers already installed scatter or in Dapp wallets.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eosplayer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/eosplayer';



Eosplayer is a bonding layer of eosjs, which is based on eosjs and provides better usability for the application layer. It can be used on both the node.js server and in a browser or Dapp wallet that already has Scatter installed.

frontd releases : https://github.com/bagaking/eosplayer/releases

LICENSE : Apache 2.0


Alt text

build (for broswer)

npm run build or yarn run build


  1. clone the repo
  2. cd into the folder
  3. install hserve : npm i -g hserve
  4. serve the play folder : hserve play
  5. open the test site in your chrome : http://localhost:3000 by default
  6. test it in your chrome console

or using the online play ground: https://play.eosplayer.pro

api documents :

Doc site: doc.eosplayer.pro
or Docs in playground

you can using help commond to show api documents on chrome console


there are 4 levels of log

  • verbose
  • info
  • warning
  • error

in the initial situation, the level verbose is closed, and info|warning|error are opened.

if you would like to disable all level, set the level filter to '-'.

when enable called, origin setting will be override (not append).

Enable/Disable Log Level in Browser

  • open specific level of log : localStorage.debug = 'warning:*,info:*'
  • open all : localStorage.debug = '*'

then, refresh the broswer

Enable/Disable Log Level in Prompt


  • DEBUG=error:* node test.js


  • set DEBUG=error:* & node app.js


  • $env:DEBUG = "error:*"

Enable/Disable Log Level in program dynamically

const debug = require('debug');

(temporary in beta.11) these code should be placed after the require operation of eosplayer.

Usage of eosplayer (cli)

you can use call methods of eosplayer.chain by cli

install: npm i -g eosplayer use: eosplayer --help

Usage of eosplayer (for browser)





{String} get help // get help info of usage
{String} get version // get the version info
{Chain} get chain // get the chain

{Void} eosplayer.event.setEvent(event, fnCallback, context) //listen to a event

{Eos} get eosplayer.eosClient // get eos instance
{Identity} async eosplayer.getIdentity() // get identity

{AccountInfo} async eosplayer.getAccountInfo(account_name = identity.name) 
    // get account info for any user

{String} async eosplayer.getBalance(account_name = undefined, code = "eosio.token", symbolName = undefined)  
    // get balance string of a account. ex. "1.0000 EOS", null means that the account dosen't have any token,

{String} async eosplayer.getBalances(account_name = undefined, code = "eosio.token")  
    // get balances array of a account. ex. ["1.0000 CT"]

{String} async eosplayer.getBalanceAsset(account_name = undefined, code = "eosio.token") 
    // get balance structure of a account. ex. {val:1, sym:"EOS", decimal:4}

{Tx} async eosplayer.transfer(target, quantity, memo = "")
    // transfer tokens to target

{Tx} async eosplayer.transcal(code, quantity, func, ...args) 
    // send a action of transcal to contract
{Tx} async eosplayer.transget(code, symbol, func, ...args) 
    // send a action of trancal (quantity value = 0.0001) to contract

{Contract} async eosplayer.contract(code)
    // get contract object

{Tx} async eosplayer.call(code, func, jsonData)
    // send a action to contract
{Tx} async eosplayer.newAccount (name, activeKey, ownerKey)
    // create a account with public key

Chain API

{Object} async getInfo() // get info of the chain connected
{Object} async getBlock(blockNumOrId) // get specific block of the chain

{Contract} async getContract(code) // get contract
{Object} async getAbi(code) // get abi of contract
{Object} async getTableAbi(code, tableName) // get table abi of contract
{Object} async abiJsonToBin(code, action, args) 

{Object} async getAccountInfo(account_name) // get account info of any user
{string} async getPubKey(account_name, authority = "active") // get the first public key of an account
{Array} async getPubKeys(account_name, authority = "active") // get public keys of an account
{string} async recoverSign(signature, message) // recover sign and to the public key
{string} async validateSign (signature, message, account, authority = 'active', accountsPermisionPlugins) 
// validate if signed data is signed by a account. it returns the matched public key 

{Number} async getActionCount(account_name) // get a account's action count
{Number} async getActionMaxSeq(account_name) // get a account's max action seq
{Array} async getRecentActions(account_name) // get recent actions
{Array} async getActions(account_name, startPos = 0, offset = 0) // get all actions of an account
{Array} async getAllActionsBatch (account_name, cbReceive, startPos = 0, count = 100, concurrent = 10) // get all actions in bulk

{String} async getBalance(account_name, code = "eosio.token", symbolName = undefined) // get balance of specific account
{Array.<String>} async getBalances(account_name, code = "eosio.token") // get all balance of specific account
{Tx} async transfer(account, target, quantity, memo = "", cbError) // the format of account should be {name, authority}

{Tx} async waitTx(txID, maxRound = 12, timeSpanMS = 1009) // check a transaction info, retry once per sec until success

{Tx} async call(code, func, jsonData, ...authorization) // send action to a contract

{Array} async getTable(code, tableName, scope, lower, upper, ...hint) // get all items in a table
{Array} async checkTable(code, tableName, scope, limit = 10, lower_bound = 0, upper_bound = -1, index_position = 1) // check a table
{Array} async checkTableMore(code, tableName, scope, primaryKey, limit = 9999999, lower_bound = 0, upper_bound = -1, index_position = 1)
{Array} async checkTableRange(code, tableName, scope, from, length = 1, index_position = 1) // check range in table
{Object} async checkTableItem(code, tableName, scope, key = 0) // check a item in a table

{Object} async updateAuth(account, permission, parent, threshold, keys, accounts, waits) // update auth

Usage of eosplayer (for broswer)




{void} eosplayer.switchNetwork(val) // switch network
{void} eosplayer.setNetConf(network_name, conf) // add a network config at runtime    

get {Scatter} eosplayer.scatter // get scatter instance
get {Scatter} async getScatterAsync(maxTry = 100) // get scatter instance

get {string} eosplayer.netName // get current network name
get {string} eosplayer.netConf // get current network config

async {Identity} eosplayer.login() // let user allow you using identity
async {void} eosplayer.logout() // return back the identity

async sign(message) // sign a message with current identity

Imported libs

window.eosjs = Eos; /** the eosjs lib @see {@url https://www.npmjs.com/package/eosjs} */
window.eosjs_ecc = Ecc; /** the eosjs-ecc lib @see {@url https://www.npmjs.com/package/eosjs-ecc} */
window.BigNumber = BigNumber; /** big number library @see {@url https://www.npmjs.com/package/bignumber.js} */
window.env = env; /** {isPc} */
window.idb = idb; /** idb lib for browser storage @see {@url https://www.npmjs.com/package/idb } */
window.eosplayer = new ScatterPlayer(networks);

Usage of eosplayer (for node.js)

  1. install eosplayer
    npm i eosplayer --save or yarn add eosplayer
  2. import eosplayer
    import * from 'eosplayer' or const Player = require('eosplayer')
  3. extend Player to create the glue layer, implement methods : eosClient and getIdentity see scatterPlayer
    import Player from 'eosplayer'
    import Eos from 'eosjs'
    class MyPlayer extends Player {
            get eosClient() {
                if (!this._eosClient) {
                    this._eosClient = new Eos(myAwsomeConf);
                return this._eosClient;
            async getIdentity() {
                return { name: "myawsomename", authority: "active" }
  4. there some out-of-box implementation of player
    1. if you wanna reading data of the chain or signing and sending messages to the chain.
    import { signPlayer } from 'eosplayer'
    1. if you need the player automatic fuse and switch node, readingPlayer is a good choice
    import { readingPlayer } from 'eosplayer'
  5. have fun




  • Class: src/signPlayer
  • Class: src/readingPlayer



  • Class: helper/kh.js
  • Class: utils/log.js
  • Method: get eosplayer.kh
  • Method: chain.getTable
  • Method: chain.getActionCount
  • Method: chain.getRecentActions
  • Method: chain.getBalances
  • Method: chain.getActions
  • Method: chain.getAllActionsBatch
  • Method: chain.checkTableMore
  • Method: chain.transfer
  • Method: chain.getPubKey
  • Method: chain.getPubKeys
  • Method: chain.recoverSign
  • Method: chain.validateSign
  • Method: player.getBalances
  • Method: player.getAuth
  • Method: player.newAccount


  • Method: the checkTableRange methods deals with 'more' now
  • Method: chain.getBalance add param symbolName


  • Scatter: bigNumber


  • eosplayer.waitTx (eosplayer.chain.waitTx instead)
  • eosplayer.checkTable (eosplayer.chain.checkTable instead)
  • eosplayer.checkTableRange (eosplayer.chain.checkTableRange instead)
  • eosplayer.checkTableItem (eosplayer.chain.checkTableItem instead)

0.2.0 (no release)


  • Class: chain.js
  • Method: get eosplayer.chain


in this version, scatter are split from the Player.


  • Module: scatterBinder
  • Class: src/eosProvider
  • Class: scatterBinder/scatterPlayer
  • Method: void eventHandler.enableEvents(eventKeys)


  • Player.EventNames


  • Rename events :



  • async eosplayer.transfer(target, quantity, memo)
  • async eosplayer.contract(code)


email : kinghand@tonarts.org
issue : https://github.com/bagaking/eosplayer/issues