
Ergon address format support for Node.js and web browsers.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ergonaddrjs from '';


ergonaddr.js: The Ergon address format for Node.js and web browsers.


JavaScript implementation for CashAddr address format for Ergon.

Compliant with the original CashAddr specification which improves upon BIP 173.

Note: This is a JavaScript implementation of the CashAddr format specification. If you are looking for a general purpose Bitcoin Cash address translation library, check out the easy-to-use and well-tested BchAddr.js.


Using NPM

$ npm install ergonaddrjs


You may also download the distribution file manually and place it within your third-party scripts directory: dist/ergonaddrjs-1.0.0.min.js.


Convert a bitcoincash: prefixed address to an ergon: prefixed address

In Node.js

const ergonaddr = require("ergonaddrjs");
const bitcoincashAddress =
const { prefix, type, hash } = ergonaddr.decode(bitcoincashAddress);
console.log(prefix); // 'bitcoincash'
console.log(type); // 'P2PKH'
console.log(hash); // Uint8Array [ 118, 160, ..., 115 ]
console.log(cashaddr.encode("ergon", type, hash));
// 'ergon:qpadrekpz6gjd8w0zfedmtqyld0r2j4qmunpeyresh'


import cashaddr from "ergonaddrjs";

function convertBitcoincashToErgon(bitcoincashAddress) {
  /* NOTE 
  This function assumes input parameter 'bitcoincashAddress' is a valid bitcoincash: address
  cashaddr.decode() will throw an error if 'bitcoincashAddress' lacks a prefix 
  const { prefix, type, hash } = cashaddr.decode(bitcoincashAddress);
  const ergonAddress = cashaddr.encode("ergon", type, hash);
  return ergonAddress;


    <script src=""></script>
      function convertBitcoincashToErgon(bitcoincashAddress) {
        /* NOTE 
    This function assumes input parameter 'bitcoincashAddress' is a valid bitcoincash: address
    cashaddr.decode() will throw an error if 'bitcoincashAddress' lacks a prefix 
        const { prefix, type, hash } = ergonaddr.decode(bitcoincashAddress);
        const ergonAddress = ergonaddr.encode("ergon", type, hash);
        return ergonAddress;
      const ergonAddress = convertBitcoincashToErgon(
      // ergon:qpadrekpz6gjd8w0zfedmtqyld0r2j4qmunpeyresh

Script Tag

You may include a script tag in your HTML and the ergonaddr module will be defined globally on subsequent scripts.

    <script src=""></script>
