
error-handling ==============

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import errorHandling from '';



At VirtuOz we love Futures. But when you use it, you end up with lots, and I do mean lots, of boilderplate error-handling code. Like this:

var Future = require('futures').future;
function doSomethingInTheFuture()
    var future = new Future()

    someAsynchronousOperation(function(err, result)
        if (err)

        // Now do something else.
        somethingElseAsynchronous(function(err, anotherResult)
            if (err)

            var myOperationResult = result + anotherResult;
            future.fulfill(undefined, myOperationResult);

    return future;

var futureResult = doSomethingInTheFuture();
futureResult.when(function(err, result))
    // Code to handle async return.

As you can see, the code to handle errors is boring and repetitive. Enter this module. It will save you time. And make you happy. Like this:

var Future = require('futures').future;
var eh = require('vnodelib').load('error-handling');
function doSomethingInTheFuture()
    var future = new Future()
    var wrap = eh.createWrapperFromFuture(future);

        // Now do something else.
            var myOperationResult = result + anotherResult;
            future.fulfill(undefined, myOperationResult);

    return future;

var futureResult = doSomethingInTheFuture();
futureResult.when(function(err, result))
    // Code to handle async return.

See? Lots of boilerplate cut out of the picture.

Of course, you needn't just use error-handling with Future. You can do it like this:

var eh = require('vnodelib').load('error-handling');
function doSomethingInTheFuture(callback)
    var wrap = eh.createWrapperFromCallback(function(err)
        // Custom logging or whatever goes here.

        // Tell the callback that something really bad happened.

        // Now do something else.
            var myOperationResult = result + anotherResult;
            callback(undefined, myOperationResult);

    return future;

If you're still not convinced, try using Future or even the standard async pattern where errors are involved, for anything other than a trivial example. You'll be sad. Then you can come back here. And be happy.