
Springload's ESLint shareable configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintConfigSpringload from '';


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Springload's ESLint shareable configuration. Based on eslint-config-airbnb, but laxer.


Install the config and its dependencies:

npm install --save-exact --save-dev eslint@3 eslint-config-springload eslint-plugin-import@~2.2.0 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@~3.0.2 eslint-plugin-react@~6.10.3

Configure ESLint to use this config. For example, in your package.json, this would be:

"eslintConfig": {
  "extends": "springload"



git clone
cd eslint-config-springload
nvm install
# Then, install all project dependencies.
npm install
# Install the git hooks.


# Runs linting.
npm run lint
# Runs tests.
npm run test


This project follows Semantic Versioning as well as ESLint's Semantic Versioning Policy.

# 1. Make a new branch for the release of the new version.
git chore release-vx.y.z
# 2. Update the version in package.json
# 3. Use irish-pub to check the package content. Install with `npm install -g` first.
# 4. Update the [CHANGELOG]( for the upcoming release.
# 5. Update the README with the right install command. Use the next command to find out what those are.
npm info eslint-config-springload@latest peerDependencies --json | command sed 's/[\{\},]//g ; s/: /@/g'
# 6. Create a PR and merge it.
# 7. On master,
npm publish
# 8. Finally, go to GitHub and create a release and a tag for the new version.