
Reusable eslint config for TA web apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintConfigTa from '';



Circle CI

ESlint config for TechnologyAdvice.

npm i eslint-config-ta -D


Extend relevant ta/* rules in your .eslintrc.

Root Config

In the project root:

  "extends": [

Test Config

Use the test config to customize rules for the /test directory:

  "extends": [

Environment Detection

At the root of each group (e.g. ta, ta/(frontend|backend)) is an index.js file. It will select the appropriate configuration file based on the current NODE_ENV. For example, where your .eslintrc is:

  "extends": [

When you run NODE_ENV=production eslint . ./, eslint-config-ta will handle extending the correct configuration files, so under the hood it looks like this:

  "extends": [


On the latest clean master:

npm run release:major
npm run release:minor
npm run release:patch