
ESLint Formatter featuring Git Author, Date, and Hash

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintFormatterGitLog from '';



ESLint Formatter featuring Git Author, Date, and Hash.

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🌩 Installation

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-formatter-git-log

🕹 Usage

To use the default configuration, set ESLint's --format option to git-log as follows:

eslint --format git-log './src/**/*.js'

👀 Examples

Full Report

By default, a report of every Error or Warning in the Codebase is displayed:


Personalised Reports

When an emailRegExp is provided such as /, a report is shown that relates only to changes you yourself have made.

  1. Create a file in your project which follows the structure below.

    const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');
    module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
      emailRegExp: /,
  2. Set ESLint's --format option to your customised version instead of git-log:

    eslint --format ./path/to/your/custom-formatter.js './src/**/*.js'


Contributor Reports

To extend personalised reports to your Team, the Git Committer Email is needed.


An optional helper is available at gitLogFormatter.getUserEmail() which reads git config and feeds it through git check-mailmap.

const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
  emailRegExp: new RegExp(gitLogFormatter.getUserEmail()),


Alternatively, if your Team each have their $GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL Environment Variable exported and reachable, then the following is enough.

const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
  emailRegExp: new RegExp(process.env.GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL),


⚖️ Configuration

This example lists every available option with its corresponding default value. You don't need to provide a value for every configuration item, just the ones you want to change.

const chalk = require('chalk');
const gitLogFormatter = require('eslint-formatter-git-log');

module.exports = gitLogFormatter.withConfig({
  // If set, only show result when Author Email matches this pattern
  emailRegExp: undefined,
  // Whitespace to insert between items when formatting
  gutter: '  ',
  // Translations for plain text used when formatting
  label: {
    error: 'error',
    warning: 'warning',
    banner: 'REPORT COMPLETE',
    totalFiles: 'Files',
    totalAssignees: 'Assignees',
    totalWarningsByEmail: `Warnings assigned to %s`,
    totalErrorsByEmail: `Errors assigned to %s`,
    totalWarnings: 'Warnings',
    totalErrors: 'Errors',
  // Increase if you have files with 1000s of lines
  locationColumnWidth: 8,
  // Which methods of to use when formatting
  style: {
    // eg. "error"
    // eg. "/Users/guybrush/Dev/grogrates/src/index.js"
    filePath: chalk.underline,
    // eg. "warning"
    warning: chalk.yellow,
    // eg. "161:12"
    location: chalk.dim,
    // eg. "no-process-exit"
    rule: chalk.dim,
    // eg. "bda304e570"
    commit: chalk.magenta,
    // eg. "(1 year, 2 months ago)"
    date: chalk.greenBright,
    // eg. "<guybrush@threepwood.grog>"
    email: chalk.blueBright,

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