
Enforce finance-safe calculations using BigNumber instead of native JavaScript arithmetic and Math functions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintPluginBigNumberRules from '';



โœŠ Enforce ๐Ÿ’ฐ finance-safe ๐Ÿงท calculations using bignumber.js (or something similar!) instead of native JavaScript arithmetic and Math functions:

Video of plugin-usage in VSCode

MIT license Version

[ Customisable! | Noisy! | Finance-safe? ]

# Installation:
$ pnpm i eslint-plugin-big-number-rules --save-dev


After installation, make the plugin available to your eslint:

// .eslintrc
  "plugins": ["big-number-rules"]

Recommended rules will warn about everything:

// .eslintrc
  "plugins": ["big-number-rules"],
  "extends": ["plugin:big-number-rules/recommended"]

"Everything" means this:

// .eslintrc
  "plugins": ["big-number-rules"],
  "rules": {
    "big-number-rules/arithmetic": "warn",
    "big-number-rules/assignment": "warn",
    "big-number-rules/isNaN": "warn",
    "big-number-rules/math": "warn",
    "big-number-rules/number": "warn",
    "big-number-rules/parseFloat": "warn",
    "big-number-rules/rounding": "warn"
  "settings": {
    "big-number-rules": {
      // Specify the following if you want rules to apply only
      // to files with an `import 'bignumber.js'` declaration
      "importDeclaration": "bignumber.js"

You can also customise the transformations.

Example transforms:

// Regular arithmetic operators:
0.1 + 0.2       -->   BigNumber.sum(0.1, 0.2)
19.99 * 0.1     -->   BigNumber(19.99).multipliedBy(0.1)
1 < 2           -->   BigNumber(1).isLessThan(2)

// Can keep a chain going...
BigNumber.sum(0.1, 0.2) - 0.3
--> BigNumber.sum(0.1, 0.2).minus(0.3)

3 ** BigNumber(1).plus(2)
--> BigNumber(3).exponentiatedBy(BigNumber(1).plus(2))

// Bit-shifting...
2 >>> 4    -->   BigNumber(2).shiftedBy(4)
4 << 2     -->   BigNumber(4).shiftedBy(-2)

// Math methods...
Math.min(1, 2)    --> BigNumber.minimum(1, 2)
Math.sign(-6)     --> BigNumber(-6).comparedTo(0)

// toFixed + parseFloat...
;(1).toFixed(2)             --> BigNumber(1).decimalPlaces(2)
parseFloat('1.2')           --> BigNumber('1.2')
Number.parseFloat('2.1')    --> BigNumber('2.1')

What about Math.round(), ceil, floor?

That works, just not for bignumber.js.

The big.js config supports transformations:

// Math.round(1.5)
// Math.ceil(1.5)
// Math.floor(1.5)
// ...becomes:
Big.round(1.5, 1) // 1 = half_up (round)
Big.round(1.5, 3) // 3 = up (ceil)
Big.round(1.5, 0) // 0 = down (floor)

However, bignumber.js configures its rounding-mode by setting an option in its constructor. The plugin can't perform a replacement in this case, so it warns you instead:

  46:1   warning  is 'Math.round(10)' a financial calculation?
                  If so, use the global constructor setting:


Look for the supportsRound setting in the example configs.

Limiting the number of warnings

Since 1.6.0 the plugin supports an importDeclaration option. If specified, rules will only apply to files that include an import statement that matches it:

For example:

// .eslintrc
  "plugins": ["big-number-rules"],
  "settings": {
    "big-number-rules": {
      "importDeclaration": "bignumber.js"

Now, rules will only be applied to files that have the following import:

import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'

For now this is ESM only, so it won't work with require() I'm afraid.

By default, importDeclaration is set to "__IGNORE__", meaning all files that eslint is interested in will be processed.

Leaving this default in place on a large project will likely result in looooads of warnings. It's not like we use === just for arithmetic, right? :)

There are a few strategies we can employ to keep the number of warnings down to something useful:

  1. Read all of the warnings and address the ones that need addressing

  2. Add line-by-line and file-by-file ignore comments

  3. Centralise your calculations into a few files only

Taken in-order I think these constitute a good approach to ending up with a finance-safe codebase: Identify what needs fixing, fix them, and refactor the calculations as you go into more centralised places.

You can then use a combination of importDeclaration and eslint's rule-enabling comment syntax to do things file-by-file, for example:

// sum.js
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'

const sum = 1 + 2
//          ^^^^^ - Is this a financial calculation?
//                  (big-number-rules/arithmetic)

// .eslintrc
  "plugins": ["big-number-rules"],
  "settings": {
    "big-number-rules": {
      "importDeclaration": "bignumber.js"

Any other caveats?

You may need to tweak some of the generated output.

For example, while developing the plugin I got this:

1 + 2 + 3 - 4

// auto-fixes to:
BigNumber(BigNumber.sum(1, 2, 3)).minus(4)

This is valid, but the parser now produces the more efficient:

BigNumber.sum(1, 2, 3).minus(4)

I'm not much of a hotshot with AST parsing, so you may encounter more weirdness like this. Contributions welcome. :)


Want to use something other than bignumber.js? Or use its shorter method-names such as pow and div instead of exponentiatedBy and dividedBy?

Here's a config that works with big.js:

// .eslintrc
  "plugins": ["big-number-rules"],
  "settings": {
    "big-number-rules": {
      "construct": "Big",
      "importDeclaration": "__IGNORE__",
      "supportsSum": false,
      "supportsBitwise": false,
      "supportsRound": true,
      "arithmetic": {
        "+": "plus",
        "-": "minus",
        "/": "div",
        "*": "times",
        "**": "pow",
        "%": "mod"
      "assignment": {
        "+=": "plus",
        "-=": "minus",
        "/=": "div",
        "*=": "times",
        "**=": "pow",
        "%=": "mod"
      "comparison": {
        "<": "lt",
        "<=": "lte",
        "===": "eq",
        "==": "eq",
        "!==": ["__NEGATION__", "${L}", "eq", "${R}"],
        "!=": ["__NEGATION__", "${L}", "eq", "${R}"],
        ">=": "gte",
        ">": "gt"
      "math": {
        "min": "min",
        "max": "max",
        "random": "NOT_SUPPORTED",
        "abs": "abs",
        "sign": ["__CONSTRUCT__(${A}).cmp(0)"],
        "sqrt": "sqrt"
      "rounding": {
        "round": ["round", "${A}, 1"],
        "ceil": ["round", "${A}, 3"],
        "floor": ["round", "${A}, 0"]
      "number": {
        "parseFloat": ["__CONSTRUCT__(${A})"],
        "toExponential": "toExponential",
        "toFixed": "dp",
        "toPrecision": "toPrecision",
        "toString": "toString"

Find more examples in the /eslintrc-for-other-libs folder.

Please report an issue if your particular lib does something differently!

There can't be that many edge-cases, right? ;-)

But why?

If you use floating-points for currency (instead of whole-numbers like you probably should) libraries like bignumber.js help keep your code away from the binary floating-point pitfalls of IEEE-754:

const sum = 0.1 + 0.2
sum === 0.3
// false

// 0.30000000000000004

This is the classic example and is often cited, but there are other rare corner-cases that will eventually be caught some time after committing to a currency-unsafe solution.

eslint-plugin-big-number-rules will translate the example above to:

const sum = BigNumber.sum(0.1, 0.2)
// true

The problem manifests in the first place because in the floating-point number-type of most languages (not just JavaScript!) the mantissa/significand is represented as a power-of-two fraction rather than a power-of-10 decimal:

 _ _._____._____._____._____._____._____._____.______.______.__ _ _
 _ _|  8  |  4  |  2  |  1  | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/16 | 1/32 | ... etc
    \__________.___________/ \______________________________ _ _ _
Exponent ------^                      |
Significand ------>-------->----------^

IEEE-754 defines various rules for marshalling these fractions into a decimal, but as you can probably imagine it's not always exact.

Libraries like bignumber.js helps us work around this. Using them isn't complicated, but it does require a little discipline and vigilance to keep on top of, so an eslint plugin to warn-about the use of JavaScript's native-math methods seemed like a good way to do that.


eslint-plugin-big-number-rules was written by Conan Theobald.

He was inspired by the work of these fine Internet folk:



To support my efforts with this project, consider checking out the accountancy company I work for: Crunch.


MIT licensed: See LICENSE