
JSDoc linting rules for ESLint.

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<script type="module">
  import eslintPluginJsdoc from '';



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JSDoc linting rules for ESLint.


Install ESLint either locally or globally.

npm install --save-dev eslint

If you have installed ESLint globally, you have to install JSDoc plugin globally too. Otherwise, install it locally.

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-jsdoc


Add plugins section to .eslintrc.* and specify eslint-plugin-jsdoc as a plugin.

    "plugins": [

Finally, enable all of the rules that you would like to use.

    "rules": {
        "jsdoc/check-access": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-alignment": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-examples": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-indentation": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-line-alignment": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-param-names": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-property-names": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-syntax": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-tag-names": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-types": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-values": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/empty-tags": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/implements-on-classes": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/match-description": 1,
        "jsdoc/multiline-blocks": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/newline-after-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/no-bad-blocks": 1,
        "jsdoc/no-defaults": 1,
        "jsdoc/no-missing-syntax": 1,
        "jsdoc/no-multi-asterisks": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/no-restricted-syntax": 1,
        "jsdoc/no-types": 1,
        "jsdoc/no-undefined-types": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-asterisk-prefix": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-description": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-example": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-file-overview": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-jsdoc": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param-name": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param-type": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-property": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-property-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-property-name": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-property-type": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns-check": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns-type": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-throws": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-yields": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-yields-check": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/tag-lines": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/valid-types": 1 // Recommended

Or you can simply add the following to .eslintrc.*, which enables the rules commented above as "recommended":

  "extends": ["plugin:jsdoc/recommended"]

You can then selectively add to or override the recommended rules.


Rules may, as per the ESLint user guide, have their own individual options. In eslint-plugin-jsdoc, a few options, such as, exemptedBy and contexts, may be used across different rules.

eslint-plugin-jsdoc options, if present, are generally in the form of an object supplied as the second argument in an array after the error level (any exceptions to this format are explained within that rule's docs).

// `.eslintrc.js`
  rules: {
    'jsdoc/require-example': [
        // The Error level should be `error`, `warn`, or `off` (or 2, 1, or 0)
        // The options vary by rule, but are generally added to an options
        //  object as follows:
          avoidExampleOnConstructors: true,
          exemptedBy: ['type']


Allow tags (@private or @internal) to disable rules for that comment block

  • settings.jsdoc.ignorePrivate - Disables all rules for the comment block on which a @private tag (or @access private) occurs. Defaults to false. Note: This has no effect with the rule check-access (whose purpose is to check access modifiers) or empty-tags (which checks @private itself).
  • settings.jsdoc.ignoreInternal - Disables all rules for the comment block on which a @internal tag occurs. Defaults to false. Note: This has no effect with the rule empty-tags (which checks @internal itself).

maxLines and minLines

One can use minLines and maxLines to indicate how many line breaks (if any) will be checked to find a jsdoc comment block before the given code block. These settings default to 0 and 1 respectively.

In conjunction with the require-jsdoc rule, these settings can be enforced so as to report problems if a jsdoc block is not found within the specified boundaries. The settings are also used in the fixer to determine how many line breaks to add when a block is missing.


  • settings.jsdoc.mode - Set to typescript, closure, or jsdoc (the default unless the @typescript-eslint parser is in use in which case typescript will be the default). Note that if you do not wish to use separate .eslintrc.* files for a project containing both JavaScript and TypeScript, you can also use overrides. You may also set to "permissive" to try to be as accommodating to any of the styles, but this is not recommended. Currently is used for the following:
    • check-tag-names: Determine valid tags and aliases
    • no-undefined-types: Only check @template for types in "closure" and "typescript" modes
    • check-syntax: determines aspects that may be enforced
    • valid-types: in non-Closure mode, @extends, @package and access tags (e.g., @private) with a bracketed type are reported as are missing names with @typedef
    • For type/namepath-checking rules, determine which tags will be checked for types/namepaths (Closure allows types on some tags which the others do not, so these tags will additionally be checked in "closure" mode)
    • For type-checking rules, impacts parsing of types (through jsdoc-type-pratt-parser dependency)
    • Check preferred tag names
    • Disallows namepath on @interface for "closure" mode in valid-types (and avoids checking in other rules)

Alias Preference

Use settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference to configure a preferred alias name for a JSDoc tag. The format of the configuration is: <primary tag name>: <preferred alias name>, e.g.

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "param": "arg",
                "returns": "return"

Note: ESLint does not allow settings to have keys which conflict with Object.prototype e.g. 'constructor'. To work around this, you can use the key 'tag constructor'.

One may also use an object with a message and replacement.

The following will report the message @extends is to be used over @augments as it is more evocative of classes than @augments upon encountering @augments.

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "augments": {
                  "message": "@extends is to be used over @augments as it is more evocative of classes than @augments",
                  "replacement": "extends"

If one wishes to reject a normally valid tag, e.g., @todo, one may set the tag to false:

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "todo": false

A project wishing to ensure no blocks are left excluded from entering the documentation, might wish to prevent the @ignore tag in the above manner.

Or one may set the targeted tag to an object with a custom message, but without a replacement property:

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "todo": {
                  "message": "We expect immediate perfection, so don't leave to-dos in your code."

Note that the preferred tags indicated in the settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference map will be assumed to be defined by check-tag-names.

See check-tag-names for how that fact can be used to set an alias to itself to allow both the alias and the default (since aliases are otherwise not permitted unless used in tagNamePreference).

Default Preferred Aliases

The defaults in eslint-plugin-jsdoc (for tags which offer aliases) are as follows:

  • @abstract (over @virtual)
  • @augments (over @extends)
  • @class (over @constructor)
  • @constant (over @const)
  • @default (over @defaultvalue)
  • @description (over @desc)
  • @external (over @host)
  • @file (over @fileoverview, @overview)
  • @fires (over @emits)
  • @function (over @func, @method)
  • @member (over @var)
  • @param (over @arg, @argument)
  • @property (over @prop)
  • @returns (over @return)
  • @throws (over @exception)
  • @yields (over @yield)

This setting is utilized by the the rule for tag name checking (check-tag-names) as well as in the @param and @require rules:

  • check-param-names
  • check-tag-names
  • require-hyphen-before-param-description
  • require-description
  • require-param
  • require-param-description
  • require-param-name
  • require-param-type
  • require-returns
  • require-returns-check
  • require-returns-description
  • require-returns-type

@override/@augments/@extends/@implements/@ignore Without Accompanying @param/@description/@example/@returns/@throws/@yields

The following settings allows the element(s) they reference to be omitted on the JSDoc comment block of the function or that of its parent class for any of the "require" rules (i.e., require-param, require-description, require-example, require-returns, require-throws, require-yields).

  • settings.jsdoc.ignoreReplacesDocs (@ignore) - Defaults to true
  • settings.jsdoc.overrideReplacesDocs (@override) - Defaults to true
  • settings.jsdoc.augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs (@augments or its alias @extends) - Defaults to false.
  • settings.jsdoc.implementsReplacesDocs (@implements) - Defaults to false

The format of the configuration is as follows:

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "ignoreReplacesDocs": true,
            "overrideReplacesDocs": true,
            "augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs": true,
            "implementsReplacesDocs": true

Settings to Configure check-types and no-undefined-types

  • settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes An option map to indicate preferred or forbidden types (if default types are indicated here, these will have precedence over the default recommendations for check-types). The keys of this map are the types to be replaced (or forbidden). These keys may include:

    1. The "ANY" type, *
    2. The pseudo-type [] which we use to denote the parent (array) types used in the syntax string[], number[], etc.
    3. The pseudo-type .<> (or .) to represent the format Array.<value> or Object.<key, value>
    4. The pseudo-type <> to represent the format Array<value> or Object<key, value>
    5. A plain string type, e.g., MyType
    6. A plain string type followed by one of the above pseudo-types (except for [] which is always assumed to be an Array), e.g., Array., or SpecialObject<>.

    If a bare pseudo-type is used, it will match all parent types of that form. If a pseudo-type prefixed with a type name is used, it will only match parent types of that form and type name.

    The values can be:

    • false to forbid the type
    • a string to indicate the type that should be preferred in its place (and which fix mode can replace); this can be one of the formats of the keys described above.
      • Note that the format will not be changed unless you use a pseudo-type in the replacement. (For example, 'Array.<>': 'MyArray' will change Array.<string> to MyArray.<string>, preserving the dot. To get rid of the dot, you must use the pseudo-type with <>, i.e., 'Array.<>': 'MyArray<>', which will change Array.<string> to MyArray<string>).
      • If you use a bare pseudo-type in the replacement (e.g., 'MyArray.<>': '<>'), the type will be converted to the format of the pseudo-type without changing the type name. For example, MyArray.<string> will become MyArray<string> but Array.<string> will not be modified.
    • an object with:
      • the key message to provide a specific error message when encountering the discouraged type.
        • The message string will have the substrings with special meaning, {{tagName}} and {{tagValue}}, replaced with their corresponding value.
      • an optional key replacement with either of the following values:
        • a string type to be preferred in its place (and which fix mode can replace)
        • false (for forbidding the type)

Note that the preferred types indicated as targets in settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes map will be assumed to be defined by no-undefined-types.

See the option of check-types, unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks, for how the keys of preferredTypes may have <> or .<> (or just .) appended and its bearing on whether types are checked as parents/children only (e.g., to match Array if the type is Array vs. Array.<string>).

Note that if a value is present both as a key and as a value, neither the key nor the value will be reported. Thus in check-types, this fact can be used to allow both object and Object if one has a preferredTypes key object: 'Object' and Object: 'object'.


An object indicating tags whose types and names/namepaths (whether defining or referencing namepaths) will be checked, subject to configuration. If the tags have predefined behavior or allowEmptyNamepaths behavior, this option will override that behavior for any specified tags, though this option can also be used for tags without predefined behavior. Its keys are tag names and its values are objects with the following optional properties:

  • name - String set to one of the following:
    • "text" - When a name is present, plain text will be allowed in the name position (non-whitespace immediately after the tag and whitespace), e.g., in @throws This is an error, "This" would normally be the name, but "text" allows non-name text here also. This is the default.
    • "namepath-defining" - As with namepath-referencing, but also indicates the tag adds a namepath to definitions, e.g., to prevent no-undefined-types from reporting references to that namepath.
    • "namepath-referencing" - This will cause any name position to be checked to ensure it is a valid namepath. You might use this to ensure that tags which normally allow free text, e.g., @see will instead require a namepath.
    • false - This will disallow any text in the name position.
  • type:
    • true - Allows valid types within brackets. This is the default.
    • false - Explicitly disallows any brackets or bracketed type. You might use this with @throws to suggest that only free form text is being input or with @augments (for jsdoc mode) to disallow Closure-style bracketed usage along with a required namepath.
    • (An array of strings) - A list of permissible types.
  • required - Array of one of the following (defaults to an empty array, meaning none are required):
    • One or both of the following strings (if both are included, then both are required):
      • "name" - Indicates that a name position is required (not just that if present, it is a valid namepath). You might use this with see to insist that a value (or namepath, depending on the name value) is always present.
      • "type" - Indicates that the type position (within curly brackets) is required (not just that if present, it is a valid type). You might use this with @throws or @typedef which might otherwise normally have their types optional. See the type groups 3-5 above.
    • "typeOrName" - Must have either type (e.g., @throws {aType}) or name (@throws Some text); does not require that both exist but disallows just an empty tag.


AST and Selectors

For various rules, one can add to the environments to which the rule applies by using the contexts option.

This option works with ESLint's selectors which are esquery expressions one may use to target a specific node type or types, including subsets of the type(s) such as nodes with certain children or attributes.

These expressions are used within ESLint plugins to find those parts of your files' code which are of interest to check. However, in eslint-plugin-jsdoc, we also allow you to use these selectors to define additional contexts where you wish our own rules to be applied.

contexts format

While at their simplest, these can be an array of string selectors, one can also supply an object with context (in place of the string) and one of two properties:

  1. For require-jsdoc, there is also a inlineCommentBlock property. See that rule for details.
  2. For no-missing-syntax and no-restricted-syntax, there is also a message property which allows customization of the message to be shown when the rule is triggered.
  3. For no-missing-syntax, there is also a minimum property. See that rule.
  4. For other rules, there is a comment property which adds to the context in requiring that the comment AST condition is also met, e.g., to require that certain tags are present and/or or types and type operators are in use. Note that this AST (either for Jsdoc* or JsdocType* AST) has not been standardized and should be considered experimental. Note that this property might also become obsolete if parsers begin to include JSDoc-structured AST. A parser is available which aims to support comment AST as a first class citizen where comment/comment types can be used anywhere within a normal AST selector but this should only be considered experimental. When using such a parser, you need not use comment and can just use a plain string context. The determination of the node on which the comment is attached is also subject to change. It may be currently possible for different structures to map to the same comment block. This is because normally when querying to find either the declaration of the function expression for const quux = function () {}, the associated comment would, in both cases, generally be expected to be on the line above both, rather than to be immediately preceding the function (in the case of the function). See @es-joy/jsdoccomment for the precise structure of the comment (and comment type) nodes.

Discovering available AST definitions

To know all of the AST definitions one may target, it will depend on the parser you are using with ESLint (e.g., espree is the default parser for ESLint, and this follows EStree AST but to support the the latest experimental features of JavaScript, one may use @babel/eslint-parser or to be able to have one's rules (including JSDoc rules) apply to TypeScript, one may use @typescript-eslint/parser, etc.

So you can look up a particular parser to see its rules, e.g., browse through the ESTree docs as used by Espree or see ESLint's overview of the structure of AST.

However, it can sometimes be even more helpful to get an idea of AST by just providing some of your JavaScript to the wonderful AST Explorer tool and see what AST is built out of your code. You can set the tool to the specific parser which you are using.

Uses/Tips for AST

And if you wish to introspect on the AST of code within your projects, you can use eslint-plugin-query. Though it also works as a plugin, you can use it with its own CLI, e.g., to search your files for matching esquery selectors, optionally showing it as AST JSON.

Tip: If you want to more deeply understand not just the resulting AST tree structures for any given code but also the syntax for esquery selectors so that you can, for example, find only those nodes with a child of a certain type, you can set the "Transform" feature to ESLint and test out esquery selectors in place of the selector expression (e.g., replace 'VariableDeclaration > VariableDeclarator > Identifier[name="someVar"]' as we have here) to the selector you wish so as to get messages reported in the bottom right pane which match your esquery selector).



Checks that @access tags use one of the following values:

  • "package", "private", "protected", "public"

Also reports:

  • Mixing of @access with @public, @private, @protected, or @package on the same doc block.
  • Use of multiple instances of @access (or the @public, etc. style tags) on the same doc block.
Context everywhere
Tags @access
Recommended false

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @access foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing valid JSDoc @access level.

 * @access foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}
// Message: Missing valid JSDoc @access level.

 * @accessLevel foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"access":"accessLevel"}}}
// Message: Missing valid JSDoc @accessLevel level.

 * @access
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"access":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@access`

class MyClass {
   * @access
  myClassField = 1
// Message: Missing valid JSDoc @access level.

 * @access public
 * @public
function quux (foo) {

// Message: The @access tag may not be used with specific access-control tags (@package, @private, @protected, or @public).

 * @access public
 * @access private
function quux (foo) {

// Message: At most one access-control tag may be present on a jsdoc block.

 * @access public
 * @access private
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}
// Message: At most one access-control tag may be present on a jsdoc block.

 * @public
 * @private
function quux (foo) {

// Message: At most one access-control tag may be present on a jsdoc block.

 * @public
 * @private
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}
// Message: At most one access-control tag may be present on a jsdoc block.

 * @public
 * @public
function quux (foo) {

// Message: At most one access-control tag may be present on a jsdoc block.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

function quux (foo) {


 * @access public
function quux (foo) {


 * @accessLevel package
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"access":"accessLevel"}}}

class MyClass {
   * @access private
  myClassField = 1

 * @public
function quux (foo) {


 * @private
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}


Reports invalid alignment of JSDoc block asterisks.

Context everywhere
Tags N/A
Recommended true

The following patterns are considered problems:

  * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
  // with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

  * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
    // with tabs
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

  * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
  // with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

* @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {
  // with spaces
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

  * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

  * @param {Number} foo
 function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

   * A jsdoc not attached to any node.
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

class Foo {
   *  Some method
    * @param a
  quux(a) {}
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * Desc
 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {


 * Desc
 * @param {{
  foo: Bar,
  bar: Baz
 * }} foo
function quux (foo) {


/*  <- JSDoc must start with 2 stars.
  *    So this is unchecked.
function quux (foo) {}

  * @param {Number} foo
  * @private
function quux (foo) {
  // with spaces
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}

  * @param {Number} foo
  * @access private
function quux (foo) {
  // with spaces
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}


NOTE: This rule currently does not work in ESLint 8 (we are waiting for issue 14745).

Ensures that (JavaScript) examples within JSDoc adhere to ESLint rules. Also has options to lint the default values of optional @param/@arg/@argument and @property/@prop tags or the values of @default/@defaultvalue tags.


The options below all default to no-op/false except as noted.


JSDoc specs use of an optional <caption> element at the beginning of @example.

The option captionRequired insists on a <caption> being present at the beginning of any @example.

Used only for @example.

exampleCodeRegex and rejectExampleCodeRegex

JSDoc does not specify a formal means for delimiting code blocks within @example (it uses generic syntax highlighting techniques for its own syntax highlighting). The following options determine whether a given @example tag will have the check-examples checks applied to it:

  • exampleCodeRegex - Regex which whitelists lintable examples. If a parenthetical group is used, the first one will be used, so you may wish to use (?:...) groups where you do not wish the first such group treated as one to include. If no parenthetical group exists or matches, the whole matching expression will be used. An example might be "^```(?:js|javascript)([\\s\\S]*)```\s*quot; to only match explicitly fenced JavaScript blocks. Defaults to only using the u flag, so to add your own flags, encapsulate your expression as a string, but like a literal, e.g., /```js.*```/gi. Note that specifying a global regular expression (i.e., with g) will allow independent linting of matched blocks within a single @example.
  • rejectExampleCodeRegex - Regex blacklist which rejects non-lintable examples (has priority over exampleCodeRegex). An example might be "^`" to avoid linting fenced blocks which may indicate a non-JavaScript language. See exampleCodeRegex on how to add flags if the default u is not sufficient.

If neither is in use, all examples will be matched. Note also that even if captionRequired is not set, any initial <caption> will be stripped out before doing the regex matching.


This integer property allows one to add a fixed amount of whitespace at the beginning of the second or later lines of the example to be stripped so as to avoid linting issues with the decorative whitespace. For example, if set to a value of 4, the initial whitespace below will not trigger indent rule errors as the extra 4 spaces on each subsequent line will be stripped out before evaluation.

 * @example
 *     anArray.filter((a) => {
 *       return a.b;
 *     });

Only applied to @example linting.


If not set to false, reportUnusedDisableDirectives will report disabled directives which are not used (and thus not needed). Defaults to true. Corresponds to ESLint's --report-unused-disable-directives.

Inline ESLint config within @example JavaScript is allowed (or within @default, etc.), though the disabling of ESLint directives which are not needed by the resolved rules will be reported as with the ESLint --report-unused-disable-directives command.

Options for Determining ESLint Rule Applicability (allowInlineConfig, noDefaultExampleRules, matchingFileName, configFile, checkEslintrc, and baseConfig)

The following options determine which individual ESLint rules will be applied to the JavaScript found within the @example tags (as determined to be applicable by the above regex options) or for the other tags checked by checkDefaults, checkParams, or checkProperties options. They are ordered by decreasing precedence:

  • allowInlineConfig - If not set to false, will allow inline config within the @example to override other config. Defaults to true.
  • noDefaultExampleRules - Setting to true will disable the default rules which are expected to be troublesome for most documentation use. See the section below for the specific default rules.
  • configFile - A config file. Corresponds to ESLint's -c.
  • matchingFileName - Option for a file name (even non-existent) to trigger specific rules defined in one's config; usable with ESLint .eslintrc.* overrides -> files globs, to apply a desired subset of rules with @example (besides allowing for rules specific to examples, this option can be useful for enabling reuse of the same rules within @example as with JavaScript Markdown lintable by other plugins, e.g., if one sets matchingFileName to*.js so that @example rules will follow rules for fenced JavaScript blocks within one's Markdown rules). (In ESLint 6's processor API and eslint-plugin-markdown < 2, one would instead use For @example only.
  • matchingFileNameDefaults - As with matchingFileName but for use with checkDefaults and defaulting to .jsdoc-defaults as extension.
  • matchingFileNameParams - As with matchingFileName but for use with checkParams and defaulting to .jsdoc-params as extension.
  • matchingFileNameProperties As with matchingFileName but for use with checkProperties and defaulting to .jsdoc-properties as extension.
  • checkEslintrc - Defaults to true in adding rules based on an .eslintrc.* file. Setting to false corresponds to ESLint's --no-eslintrc. If matchingFileName is set, this will automatically be true and will use the config corresponding to that file. If matchingFileName is not set and this value is set to false, the .eslintrc.* configs will not be checked. If matchingFileName is not set, and this is unset or set to true, the .eslintrc.* configs will be checked as though the file name were the same as the file containing the example, with any file extension changed to ".md/*.js" (and if there is no file extension, "*.js" will be the result). This allows convenient sharing of similar rules with often also context-free Markdown as well as use of overrides as described under matchingFileName. Note that this option (whether set by matchingFileName or set manually to true) may come at somewhat of a performance penalty as the file's existence is checked by eslint.
  • baseConfig - Set to an object of rules with the same schema as .eslintrc.* for defaults.

Rules Disabled by Default Unless noDefaultExampleRules is Set to true
  • eol-last - Insisting that a newline "always" be at the end is less likely to be desired in sample code as with the code file convention.
  • no-console - This rule is unlikely to have inadvertent temporary debugging within examples.
  • no-multiple-empty-lines - This rule may be problematic for projects which use an initial newline just to start an example. Also, projects may wish to use extra lines within examples just for easier illustration purposes.
  • no-undef - Many variables in examples will be undefined.
  • no-unused-vars - It is common to define variables for clarity without always using them within examples.
  • padded-blocks - It can generally look nicer to pad a little even if one's code follows more stringency as far as block padding.
  • jsdoc/require-file-overview - Shouldn't check example for jsdoc blocks.
  • jsdoc/require-jsdoc - Wouldn't expect jsdoc blocks within jsdoc blocks.
  • import/no-unresolved - One wouldn't generally expect example paths to resolve relative to the current JavaScript file as one would with real code.
  • import/unambiguous - Snippets in examples are likely too short to always include full import/export info.
  • node/no-missing-import - See import/no-unresolved.
  • node/no-missing-require - See import/no-unresolved.

For checkDefaults, checkParams, and checkProperties, the following expression-oriented rules will be used by default as well:

  • quotes - Will insist on "double".
  • semi - Will insist on "never".
  • strict - Disabled.
  • no-empty-function - Disabled.
  • no-new - Disabled.
  • no-unused-expressions - Disabled.
  • chai-friendly/no-unused-expressions - Disabled.

Options for checking other than @example (checkDefaults, checkParams, or checkProperties)
  • checkDefaults - Whether to check the values of @default/@defaultvalue tags
  • checkParams - Whether to check @param/@arg/@argument default values
  • checkProperties - Whether to check @property/@prop default values
Context everywhere
Tags example
Recommended false
Options See above

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @example alert('hello')
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-alert":2,"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false}]
// Message: @example error (no-alert): Unexpected alert.

 * @example alert('hello')
class quux {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-alert":2,"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false}]
// Message: @example error (no-alert): Unexpected alert.

 * @example ```js
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example
 * ```js alert('hello'); ```
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js ([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example
 * ```js alert('hello'); ```
var quux = {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js ([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example ```
 * js alert('hello'); ```
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```\njs ([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example <b>Not JavaScript</b>
function quux () {

 * @example quux2();
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"rejectExampleCodeRegex":"^\\s*<.*>\\s*quot;}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example
 * quux(); // does something useful
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-undef":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example error (no-undef): 'quux' is not defined.

 * @example <caption>Valid usage</caption>
 * quux(); // does something useful
 * @example
 * quux('random unwanted arg'); // results in an error
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"captionRequired":true,"checkEslintrc":false}]
// Message: Caption is expected for examples.

 * @example  quux();
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]
// Message: @example error (indent): Expected indentation of 0 spaces but found 1.

 * @example test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true,"reportUnusedDisableDirectives":true}]
// Message: @example error: Unused eslint-disable directive (no problems were reported from 'semi').

 * @example
 test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"allowInlineConfig":false,"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example const j = 5;
 * quux2();
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"matchingFileName":"../../jsdocUtils.js"}]
// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'j' is too short (< 2).

 * @example const k = 5;
 * quux2();
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"configFile":".eslintrc.json","matchingFileName":"../../jsdocUtils.js"}]
// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'k' is too short (< 2).

 * @example const m = 5;
 * quux2();
function quux2 () {

// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'm' is too short (< 2).

 * @example const i = 5;
 *   quux2()
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"paddedIndent":2}]
// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'i' is too short (< 2).

 * @example
 * const i = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'i' is too short (< 2).

 * @example const idx = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"matchingFileName":"dummy.js"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example const idx = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"matchingFileName":"dummy.js"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example const idx = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkEslintrc":false,"matchingFileName":"dummy.js"}]
// Message: @example error: Parsing error: The keyword 'const' is reserved

 * @example // begin
 // end
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["warn","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"// begin[\\s\\S]*// end","noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example warning (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @typedef {string} Foo
 * @example <caption></caption>
 * 'foo'
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"captionRequired":true,"checkEslintrc":false}]
// Message: Caption is expected for examples.

 * @example
 * const list: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
 * quux(list);
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"parser":"@typescript-eslint/parser","parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":6},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example
 * const test = something.find((_) => {
 *   return _
 * });
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":6},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}}}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example <caption>Say `Hello!` to the user.</caption>
 * First, import the function:
 * ```js
 * import popup from './popup'
 * const aConstInSameScope = 5;
 * ```
 * Then use it like this:
 * ```js
 * const aConstInSameScope = 7;
 * popup('Hello!')
 * ```
 * Here is the result on macOS:
 * ![Screenshot](path/to/screenshot.jpg)
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":2015,"sourceType":"module"},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"/^```(?:js|javascript)\\n([\\s\\S]*?)```$/gm"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example // begin
 // end
 * And here is another example:
 // begin
 // end
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["warn","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"/\\/\\/ begin[\\s\\S]*?// end/g","noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example warning (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example
 *   quux();
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]
// Message: @example error (indent): Expected indentation of 0 spaces but found 2.

 * @default 'abc'
const str = 'abc';
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDefaults":true}]
// Message: @default error (quotes): Strings must use doublequote.

 * @param {myType} [name='abc']
function quux () {
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkParams":true}]
// Message: @param error (quotes): Strings must use doublequote.

 * @property {myType} [name='abc']
const obj = {};
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkProperties":true}]
// Message: @property error (quotes): Strings must use doublequote.

 * Test function.
 * @example <caption>functionName (paramOne: string, paramTwo?: any,
 * paramThree?: any): boolean</caption> test()
 * @param {string} paramOne Parameter description.
 * @param {any} [paramTwo] Parameter description.
 * @param {any} [paramThree] Parameter description.
 * @returns {boolean} Return description.
const functionName = function (paramOne, paramTwo,
  paramThree) {
  return false;
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":2015,"sourceType":"module"},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"captionRequired":true,"checkEslintrc":false}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @example ```js
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js([\\s\\S]*)```"}]

 * @example ```js
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"/```js([\\s\\S]*)```/"}]

 * @example
 * // arbitrary example content
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkEslintrc":false}]

 * @example
 * quux(); // does something useful
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-undef":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @example quux();
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @example <caption>Valid usage</caption>
 * quux(); // does something useful
 * @example <caption>Invalid usage</caption>
 * quux('random unwanted arg'); // results in an error
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"captionRequired":true,"checkEslintrc":false}]

 * @example test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true,"reportUnusedDisableDirectives":false}]

 * @example
 test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"allowInlineConfig":true,"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true}]

 * @example ```js
var quux = {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js([\\s\\S]*)```"}]

 * @example
 * foo(function (err) {
 *     throw err;
 * });
function quux () {}
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @example
 * const list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
 * quux(list);
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"parser":"@typescript-eslint/parser","parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":6},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"checkEslintrc":false}]

 * @example const ident = 5;
 *   quux2();
 *   bar();
function quux2 () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"paddedIndent":2}]

 * @example
 * function quux() {
 *     bar();
 * }
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

// Comment

export default {};

function f () {


 * Does quux
 * @example
 * // Do it!
 * quux();
function quux () {
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"plugins":["jsdoc"],"rules":{"jsdoc/require-file-overview":["error"]}},"checkEslintrc":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @default "abc"
const str = 'abc';
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDefaults":true}]

 * @default
const str = 'abc';
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDefaults":true}]

 * @param {myType} [name="abc"]
function quux () {
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkParams":true}]

 * @param {myType} name
function quux () {
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkParams":true}]

 * @property {myType} [name="abc"]
const obj = {};
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkProperties":true}]

 * @property {myType} [name]
const obj = {};
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkProperties":true}]

 * @default 'abc'
const str = 'abc';
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkDefaults":false,"matchingFileNameDefaults":"dummy.js"}]

 * @param {myType} [name='abc']
function quux () {
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkParams":false,"matchingFileNameParams":"dummy.js"}]

 * @property {myType} [name='abc']
const obj = {};
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"checkProperties":false,"matchingFileNameProperties":"dummy.js"}]

 * Test function.
 * @example <caption>functionName (paramOne: string, paramTwo?: any,
 * paramThree?: any): boolean</caption> test();
 * @param {string} paramOne Parameter description.
 * @param {any} [paramTwo] Parameter description.
 * @param {any} [paramThree] Parameter description.
 * @returns {boolean} Return description.
const functionName = function (paramOne, paramTwo,
  paramThree) {
  return false;
// "jsdoc/check-examples": ["error"|"warn", {"baseConfig":{"parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":2015,"sourceType":"module"},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"captionRequired":true,"checkEslintrc":false}]


Reports invalid padding inside JSDoc blocks.

Ignores parts enclosed in Markdown "code block"'s. For example, the following description is not reported:

 * Some description:
 * ```html
 * <section>
 *   <title>test</title>
 * </section>
 * ```


This rule has an object option.


Array of tags (e.g., ['example', 'description']) whose content will be "hidden" from the check-indentation rule. Defaults to ['example'].

By default, the whole JSDoc block will be checked for invalid padding. That would include @example blocks too, which can get in the way of adding full, readable examples of code without ending up with multiple linting issues.

When disabled (by passing excludeTags: [] option), the following code will report a padding issue:

 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
Context everywhere
Tags N/A
Recommended false
Options excludeTags

The following patterns are considered problems:

/**  foo */
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * @param bar
 *  baz
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * Foo
 *   bar
class Moo {}
// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-indentation": ["error"|"warn", {"excludeTags":[]}]
// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * @example
 *   aaaa
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * ```html
 * <section>
 *   <title>test</title>
 * </section>
 * ```
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * ```   aaaa```
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

* @example <caption>
* Here is a long
*   indented summary of this
* example
* </caption>
* ```js
* function hi () {
*   alert('Hello');
* }
* ```
// "jsdoc/check-indentation": ["error"|"warn", {"excludeTags":[]}]
// Message: There must be no indentation.

* @example <caption>
* Here is a long
* summary of this
* example
* </caption>
* // Code is not wrapped into fenced code block
* function hi () {
*   alert('Hello');
* }
// "jsdoc/check-indentation": ["error"|"warn", {"excludeTags":[]}]
// Message: There must be no indentation.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * foo
 * @param bar
 * baz
function quux () {


/*** foo */
function quux () {


 * foo
 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
function quux () {


 * foo
 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// "jsdoc/check-indentation": ["error"|"warn", {"excludeTags":["example","returns"]}]

 * foo
 * ```html
 * <section>
 *   <title>test</title>
 * </section>
 * ```
 * @returns eeee
function quux () {


 * foo
 * ```   aaaa```
 * @returns eeee
function quux () {


* @example <caption>
* Here is a long
* summary of this
* example
* </caption>
* ```js
* function hi () {
*   alert('Hello');
* }
* ```
// "jsdoc/check-indentation": ["error"|"warn", {"excludeTags":[]}]

 * @example
 * ```
 * @MyDecorator({
 *   myOptions: 42
 * })
 * export class MyClass {}
 * ```
function MyDecorator(options: { myOptions: number }) {
  return (Base: Function) => {};
// "jsdoc/check-indentation": ["error"|"warn", {"excludeTags":["example","MyDecorator"]}]

 * @example ```
 * @MyDecorator({
 *   myOptions: 42
 * })
 * export class MyClass {}
 * ```
function MyDecorator(options: { myOptions: number }) {
  return (Base: Function) => {};


Reports invalid alignment of JSDoc block lines. This is a standard recommended to WordPress code, for example.


This rule allows one optional string argument. If it is "always" then a problem is raised when the lines are not aligned. If it is "never" then a problem should be raised when there is more than one space between each line's parts. Defaults to "never".

Note that in addition to alignment, both options will ensure at least one space is present after the asterisk delimiter.

After the string, an options object is allowed with the following properties.


Use this to change the tags which are sought for alignment changes. Currently only works with the "never" option. Defaults to an array of ['param', 'arg', 'argument', 'property', 'prop', 'returns', 'return'].


An object with any of the following keys set to an integer. Affects spacing:

  • postDelimiter - after the asterisk (e.g., * @param)
  • postTag - after the tag (e.g., * @param )
  • postType - after the type (e.g., * @param {someType} )
  • postName - after the name (e.g., * @param {someType} name )

If a spacing is not defined, it defaults to one.

Context everywhere
Options (a string matching "always" or "never" and optional object with tags and customSpacings)
Tags param, property, returns and others added by tags
Aliases arg, argument, prop, return
Recommended false

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * Function description.
 * @param {string} lorem Description.
 * @param {int} sit Description multi words.
const fn = ( lorem, sit ) => {}
// "jsdoc/check-line-alignment": ["error"|"warn", "always"]
// Message: Expected JSDoc block lines to be aligned.

 * With tabs.
 * @param {string} lorem Description.
 * @param {int} s