
ExcRestModule implements the ExcRestService.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import excRest from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exc-rest';



Module Exc-Rest

ExcRestModule implements the ExcRestService.


To use ExcRestService you have to do preparations in your project.

  1. Ensure that the exc-core module is included as dependency in package.json
  2. Ensure that the exc-rest module is included as dependency in package.json
  3. Setup app.module.ts file

import {environment} from '../environments/environment';
import {HttpClient, HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import {ExcCoreModule} from 'exc-core';
import {ExcRestModule} from 'exc-rest';

bootstrap: [AppComponent]

export class AppModule{
  env = environment
  1. Setup app.component.ts file

import {ExcCoreModule} from 'exc-core';
import {ExcRestModule} from 'exc-rest';
export class AppComponent  implements OnInit{
  constructor(private excRestService:ExcRestService){  


The ExcRestService is the service for standard communication with the EXCON REST Apis.

Parameter definition

  • name Defines the name of the endpoint in environment.ts under Endpoints.
  • pObj Defines an object for replacement of placeholders in URL
  • url Defines the url generated by computedUrl
  • data Defines the data that will be sent to the webservice
  • conf Defines the http config used by rest call. Detailed information under this paragraph
  • isbc Defines a call is a background call or not. It is used for global activity indicator. Background calls doesn't have an effect to indicator.
  • fullResponse Used by delete and put. By default these methods return the fullResponse. If you use this function please manually set parameter to false. The default behavior will be set to false in future.

Config object

  • MetaInfo:*object* Defines the definition for filter, paging and sorting for webservice.
  • OnProgress(progress):*function* Method that could be set to get information about progress of the call.
  • export:*Boolean* If set to true the call is marked as download and the webservice result is downloaded as file.




All public methods have a default behavior. So the automatically triggers messages for success and error or are preprocessing data.

Method Return Description
computeUrl(name:string,pObj:object) string Gets a computed url from config and replaces placeholders with values of pObj
delete(url:string,data:any,conf:object,fullResponse:Boolean(true)) Observable Sends an HTTP DELETE request to given URL
get(url:string,conf:object) Observable Sends an HTTP GET request to given URL
sget(url:string,id:string,conf:object) Observable Sends an HTTP GET request to given URL. The given ID is used to identify the last call of an id. So it is possible to get the last valid call. At response you can check the flag valid to only use the last answer for the given id
post(url:string,data:any,conf:object) Observable Sends an HTTP POST request to given URL
put(url:string,data:any,conf:object,fullResponse:Boolean(true)) Observable Sends an HTTP PUT request to given URL
base64ToArrayBuffer(base64:string) Uint8Array Convert a base64 string to an arraybuffer
exportBase64(base64String:string,contentType:string,filename:string) void starts a download of the base64 string with given contentType and filename
exportBuffer(uInt8Array:Uint8Array,contentType:string,filename:string) void starts a download of the UInt8Array with given contentType and filename

Internal call shouldn't be used for default behavior. The internal methods have no default behavior.

Method Return Description
_deleteInternal(url:string,data:any,conf:object,isbc:Boolean) Observable Sends an HTTP DELETE request to given URL
_getInternal(url:string,conf:object,isbc:Boolean) Observable Sends an HTTP GET request to given URL
_putInternal(url:string,data:any,conf:object,isbc:Boolean) Observable Sends an HTTP PUT request to given URL
_postInternal(url:string,data:any,conf:object,isbc:Boolean) Observable Sends an HTTP POST request to given URL
get example
import {ExcCoreModule} from './exc-core.module';

const excRest = ExcCoreModule.Services().ExcRest;
// OrderList: {uid}/order/:ordID
let obs = excRest.get(excRest.computeUrl('OrderDetails',{ordID:14}),{MetaInfo:{}});

sget example
import {ExcCoreModule} from './exc-core.module';

const excRest = ExcCoreModule.Services().ExcRest;
// OrderList: {uid}/order
let obs = excRest.sget(excRest.computeUrl('OrderList',{key:'value',fts:'full-text-search-value'}),'MagicList',{MetaInfo:{}});