
Runs a npm cli package only if it exists

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import execIfExists from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exec-if-exists';



Runs an npm package if it exists. This is basically a wrapper around npx where whenever npx returns a non-zero exit, this returns a zero.


exec-if-exists sortier ./src/**/*.ts


Optional dev tooling

Let's say some projects use jest for unit testing but others optionally have puppeteer/playwright for E2E testing. Using exec-if-exists your lint-stage config basically runs both and if the tool is installed, it gets run.

// Example husky config
  hooks: {
    "pre-commit": "exec-if-exists jest && exec-if-exists playwright",

Now any time a commit is pushed, jest and playwright run if they are installed and exit with a non-zero if they fail. This allows you to create a single consistent config that all your projects inherit from. For example, our husky config looks like this:

var configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");

module.exports = configs.husky;

And then we host our shared husky config in a single location!