

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import exnomyWalletNew from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/exnomy-wallet-new';



This is frok from Hydro-SDK-Wallet

Basic Usage Guide

This package requires React and Redux.

Step1: install npm package

npm i @jeonggonmun/exnomy-wallet

Step2: Wallet Reducer

The store should know how to handle actions coming from the wallet components. To enable this, we need to pass the WalletReducer to your store.

import { createStore, combineReducers } from "redux";
import { WalletReducer } from "@jeonggonmun/exnomy-wallet";

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  // ...your other reducers here
  // you have to pass WalletReducer under 'WalletReducer' key

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

Step3: Wallet Component

To make the wallet logic work. We need to mount the Wallet and WalletButton components into your app. They should be mounted into Provider(see more details about Provider in react-redux). When the components is initialized, some monitors will start to work as well. They are monitoring the web3 wallet status(not installed, locking, account changed), ledger status(locked or not), and balances of all available addresses. You can config wallet through props. See more datials in the api section below.

import React from "react";
import { Provider } from "react-redux";
import { Wallet, WalletButton } from "@jeonggonmun/exnomy-wallet";
import { store } from "./store";
import "@jeonggonmun/exnomy-wallet/index.css";

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Provider store={store}>
        // ... your components
        <Wallet nodeUrl="https://ropsten.infura.io" />
        <WalletButton />

Step4: Use Account

We can get the current selected account by using selector functions.

import React from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";

class App extends React.Component {
  signMessage = async () => {
    const { currentAccount } = this.props;
    const signature = await currentAccount.wallet.signPersonalMessage("test message");

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.signMessage} />
export default connect(state => {
  return {
    currentAccount: getSelectedAccount(state)


Wallet Component Props

Name Type Default Desc
nodeUrl String https://ropsten.infura.io Ethereum JSON RPC Endpoint.
defaultWalletType String EXTENSION default selected wallet type. Options are EXTENSION, Hydro_Wallet, WALLETCONNECT, Ledger.
translations Translations defaultTranslations i18n translations.
walletTypes Array defaultWalletTypes customized wallets.
menuOptions Option[] defaultMenuOptions customized wallet menu.
loadWalletActions Actions {} customized load wallet actions.
customLocalWallet WalletClass HydroWallet customized local wallet class.
hideLocalWallet Boolean false hide local wallet menu items.
unit String ETH balance unit.
decimals Number 18 balance decimals.
dcent DcentClass support D'CENT wallet, if provided, will show D'CENT option in dropdown menu.
appName String WalletLink prop.
appLogoUrl String WalletLink prop.
fortmaticApiKey String Fortmatic option, if provided, will show Fortmatic option in dropdown menu.
copyCallback Function alert("Copied to clipboard!") copy address callback.
email String TrezorConnect manifest param
host String TrezorConnect manifest param


Methods to get data from redux store.

  • getAccount(state, accountID) Return the corresponding account
  • getSelectedAccount(state) Return the selected account
  • getAccounts(state) Return all available accounts

Action creators

These functions are redux action creators. You need to dispatch the result to store.

  • selectAccount(accountID, type) Change Selected Account
  • unlockBrowserWalletAccount(accountID, password) Unlock a browser local wallet
  • showWalletModal() Show the wallets modal
  • hideWalletModal() Hide the wallets modal

Account functions

When we get an account from redux store, we can call some functions of account.wallet object.

Send Transaction (eth_sendTransaction)

 *  Draft transaction
const tx = {
  from: "0xbc28ea04101f03ea7a94c1379bc3ab32e65e62d3",
  to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  nonce: 1,
  gas: 100000,
  value: "0x0",
  data: "0x0"

 *  Send transaction
const txId = await wallet.sendTransaction(tx);

Sign Personal Message (personal_sign)

 *  Draft Message Parameters
const msgParams = [

 *  Sign personal message
const signature = await wallet.signPersonalMessage(msgParams);

Send Custom Request

 *  Draft Custom Request
const customRequest = [
  "eth_getTransactionReceipt", //method
  ["0x452817c981809fb7fab716dc84114b97c9ad2542c72fb9ed2c64d79e1bddb937"] //params

 *  Send Custom Request
const customResponse = await wallet.sendCustomRequest(customRequest);

Try the examples

There are some examples projects. You can find commands to start these examples in package.json and source code in examples dir.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details